April 2009 About this issue: Feature Youth for Jesus April 01, 2009 | C.J. Anderson "More sermons, more Bible studies, more evangelism…and we as a staff are trying to figure out how to make it happen,” says London Lee, Gem State Adventist Academy chaplain. He’s talking about the students’ response to Youth for Jesus, an ASI-spons... Download PDF (7.23 MB) More Features Youth for Jesus "More sermons, more Bible studies, more evangelism…and we as a staff are trying to figure out how to make it happen,” says London Lee, Gem State Adventist Academy chaplain. He’s talking about the students’ response to Youth for Jesus, an ASI-spons... Read more Youth for Jesus The ProgramASI's Youth for Jesus program began in 1999, involving summertime youth evangelistic projects at each annual ASI convention. Last year ASI conducted its first on-campus YFJ program during the school year at Maplewood Academy in Minnesot... Read more Youth for Jesus The ProgramASI's Youth for Jesus program began in 1999, involving summertime youth evangelistic projects at each annual ASI convention. Last year ASI conducted its first on-campus YFJ program during the school year at Maplewood Academy in Minnesot... Read more Others Did You Know--April 2009 Because this section doesn't amount to much without its page design, it is not available here. You can see the Did You Know? page for this month by looking in the print edition of GLEANER or by clicking on the PDF version. To get to the PDF versio... Read more With Such an Army The youth of our church are critical to the Adventist mission, a fact highlighted in Ellen G. White's familiar words. "With such an army of workers as our youth, rightly trained, might furnish," she wrote, "how soon the message of a crucified, ris... Read more Acción ¡Iglesia de Gresham se organiza como grupo! Los miembros de la iglesia adventista de Gresham celebraron un día de fiesta espiritual el sábado 9 de enero del 2009. Después de algunos años como grupo, la conferencia de Oregon los organizo como Compañía, con más de 100 personas presentes. El p... Read more With Such an Army The youth of our church are critical to the Adventist mission, a fact highlighted in Ellen G. White's familiar words. "With such an army of workers as our youth, rightly trained, might furnish," she wrote, "how soon the message of a crucified, ris... Read more Almost "Almost" is the galvanizing moment in a compelling story as the words of Paul the apostle cut straight to the heart.The one who listens is Marcus Julius Agrippa Herodes II. The Bible simply refers to him as King Agrippa, the last of the Jewish Her... Read more Did You Know--April 2009 Because this section doesn't amount to much without its page design, it is not available here. You can see the Did You Know? page for this month by looking in the print edition of GLEANER or by clicking on the PDF version. To get to the PDF versio... Read more FYI - April 2009 AdventSource Launches New SiteAdventSource is pleased to announce AdventSource v2.0, a new Web site for all your ministry needs. With the merger of AdventSource and PlusLine Web sites, AdventSource v2.0 blends their resources with PlusLine's infor... Read more FYI - April 2009 AdventSource Launches New SiteAdventSource is pleased to announce AdventSource v2.0, a new Web site for all your ministry needs. With the merger of AdventSource and PlusLine Web sites, AdventSource v2.0 blends their resources with PlusLine's infor... Read more Almost "Almost" is the galvanizing moment in a compelling story as the words of Paul the apostle cut straight to the heart.The one who listens is Marcus Julius Agrippa Herodes II. The Bible simply refers to him as King Agrippa, the last of the Jewish Her... Read more Acción ¡Iglesia de Gresham se organiza como grupo! Los miembros de la iglesia adventista de Gresham celebraron un día de fiesta espiritual el sábado 9 de enero del 2009. Después de algunos años como grupo, la conferencia de Oregon los organizo como Compañía, con más de 100 personas presentes. El p... Read more News Emergency Enthusiast Comes Home Answering the Call ShareHIM Motivates 'Ordinary Guy' Eagle Adventist Christian Center Receives National Accreditation Fundraiser Profits School New Church, New Pastor, New Member Glacier View Children Contribute to the Community Waldport Woman Serves Community For 35 Years Church Renews Wedding Vows on Valentine's Day Winston Dedicates New Sanctuary Needy Family Adopted Prayer Lights the Path Reimche is Next Oregon Conference President Pastor Celebrates U.S. Citizenship From Behind the Iron Curtain A Donkey Goes To School A Veteran Has A Special Day Church Makes Olympic Scarves for Jesus Cottage Grove Blossoms With Baptisms CAA Knowledge Bowl Team Real Winners Men of Power Camp MiVoden Hosts Men's Retreat Why Members Leave Church What Can We Do About It? Upper Columbia Academy Students Serve UCC Churches A Roof for Lorraine Pathfinder Retreat Filled With Learning and Fun Colville and Kettle Falls Host Amazing Facts Seminar God's Closet Doors Open Wide Forgiving Isn't Easy Professors Conclude Forgiveness Research Lacey Burns Promissory Note Kent Renovation Whacked Into Action Young Adults Encounter God in Seattle World News Briefs - April 2009
Youth for Jesus "More sermons, more Bible studies, more evangelism…and we as a staff are trying to figure out how to make it happen,” says London Lee, Gem State Adventist Academy chaplain. He’s talking about the students’ response to Youth for Jesus, an ASI-spons... Read more
Youth for Jesus The ProgramASI's Youth for Jesus program began in 1999, involving summertime youth evangelistic projects at each annual ASI convention. Last year ASI conducted its first on-campus YFJ program during the school year at Maplewood Academy in Minnesot... Read more
Youth for Jesus The ProgramASI's Youth for Jesus program began in 1999, involving summertime youth evangelistic projects at each annual ASI convention. Last year ASI conducted its first on-campus YFJ program during the school year at Maplewood Academy in Minnesot... Read more
Did You Know--April 2009 Because this section doesn't amount to much without its page design, it is not available here. You can see the Did You Know? page for this month by looking in the print edition of GLEANER or by clicking on the PDF version. To get to the PDF versio... Read more
With Such an Army The youth of our church are critical to the Adventist mission, a fact highlighted in Ellen G. White's familiar words. "With such an army of workers as our youth, rightly trained, might furnish," she wrote, "how soon the message of a crucified, ris... Read more
Acción ¡Iglesia de Gresham se organiza como grupo! Los miembros de la iglesia adventista de Gresham celebraron un día de fiesta espiritual el sábado 9 de enero del 2009. Después de algunos años como grupo, la conferencia de Oregon los organizo como Compañía, con más de 100 personas presentes. El p... Read more
With Such an Army The youth of our church are critical to the Adventist mission, a fact highlighted in Ellen G. White's familiar words. "With such an army of workers as our youth, rightly trained, might furnish," she wrote, "how soon the message of a crucified, ris... Read more
Almost "Almost" is the galvanizing moment in a compelling story as the words of Paul the apostle cut straight to the heart.The one who listens is Marcus Julius Agrippa Herodes II. The Bible simply refers to him as King Agrippa, the last of the Jewish Her... Read more
Did You Know--April 2009 Because this section doesn't amount to much without its page design, it is not available here. You can see the Did You Know? page for this month by looking in the print edition of GLEANER or by clicking on the PDF version. To get to the PDF versio... Read more
FYI - April 2009 AdventSource Launches New SiteAdventSource is pleased to announce AdventSource v2.0, a new Web site for all your ministry needs. With the merger of AdventSource and PlusLine Web sites, AdventSource v2.0 blends their resources with PlusLine's infor... Read more
FYI - April 2009 AdventSource Launches New SiteAdventSource is pleased to announce AdventSource v2.0, a new Web site for all your ministry needs. With the merger of AdventSource and PlusLine Web sites, AdventSource v2.0 blends their resources with PlusLine's infor... Read more
Almost "Almost" is the galvanizing moment in a compelling story as the words of Paul the apostle cut straight to the heart.The one who listens is Marcus Julius Agrippa Herodes II. The Bible simply refers to him as King Agrippa, the last of the Jewish Her... Read more
Acción ¡Iglesia de Gresham se organiza como grupo! Los miembros de la iglesia adventista de Gresham celebraron un día de fiesta espiritual el sábado 9 de enero del 2009. Después de algunos años como grupo, la conferencia de Oregon los organizo como Compañía, con más de 100 personas presentes. El p... Read more