God in Action at Amazing Grace Academy As the fastest growing Adventist church school in the North Pacific Union Conference, Amazing Grace Academy, in Palmer, Alaska, is experiencing an answer to prayer that has surpassed its wildest hopes. From an enrollment of 19 in 2010 and 43 in 20... Read more
Alaska Camp Meetings Go Beyond Arctic Circle The Alaska Conference hosted its third-area Native convocation this spring. Planes arrived from Anchorage, Alaska, and around Arctic Alaska on April 8. A blizzard had just passed, leaving a foot of new snow. Despite temperatures in the teens, peop... Read more
Grace in Carhartts Recovery Group Forms in Wasilla Drugs, Sex, Gambling and Chocolate, the book title read. Ignoring the first three words, a Sabbath School member breathed out a painful, "Oh, and chocolate!"The Sabbath School lesson was on addictions, and the discussion turned to real life and re... Read more
2011 Arctic Native Camp Meetings a Success Max Torkelsen, North Pacific Union Conference president, was the featured speaker at the Alaska Conference Western-Arctic Camp Meeting, conducted in Dillingham and Togiak, Alaska, on March 18 and 19.The meetings began on Friday evening, March 18, ... Read more
'Women in Ministry' Maria Avellaneda and Denise Fouts were invited to the annual Kairos three-day weekend outreach at Hiland Mountain Correctional Center in Eagle River, Alaska, joining 21 Christian women of varying denominations to witness to inmates for Christ. Ear... Read more
ACS Alaska On Christmas Day 2010, a severe storm hit Savoonga, Alaska. High northeast winds carrying salt spray from the ocean, froze on electrical equipment. This combined with extreme cold slapped electrical lines and produced a power outage.The Alaska Div... Read more
Alaska Conference Changes The Alaska Conference executive committee voted to draw conference and church leadership closer and align administration with ministry. Two pastors were appointed to fill the recently vacated position of executive secretary by creating two half-ti... Read more
Kairos Prison Ministry The Kairos Prison Ministry is a structured weekend with talks, chapel visits, prayer, singing, laughing and home-cooked meals. Adventist women, along with women of other denominations, went into Hiland Mountain Correctional Center in Eagle River, ... Read more
Sitka Church Reaches Out to the Community Many months before October 2010 plans had been laid for an evangelistic outreach to the city of Sitka, Alaska's fifth-largest city. Believing in reaching out to the city, the Sitka Church did several activities prior to the meetings.The Sitka Chur... Read more