Tina Steenmeyer, Tina Steenmeyer Alaska Conference health and outreach coordinator By Tina Steenmeyer, Tina Steenmeyer Bible-study Enrollment Cards Come Rolling In The Alaska Conference, in partnership with the Voice of Prophecy and the Adventist Media Center, launched an initiative to reach all Alaskans with Bible-study requests. The enrollment card mailings began in late October, and the response cards are... Read more Health and the Gospel In March of this year I, as a companion, attended the NEWSTART Lifestyle Change Institute at Weimar, Calif. As a result, I have lost 20 pounds and have an increase in energy. Now as health and outreach coordinator for the Alaska Conference, I am e... Read more
Bible-study Enrollment Cards Come Rolling In The Alaska Conference, in partnership with the Voice of Prophecy and the Adventist Media Center, launched an initiative to reach all Alaskans with Bible-study requests. The enrollment card mailings began in late October, and the response cards are... Read more
Health and the Gospel In March of this year I, as a companion, attended the NEWSTART Lifestyle Change Institute at Weimar, Calif. As a result, I have lost 20 pounds and have an increase in energy. Now as health and outreach coordinator for the Alaska Conference, I am e... Read more