God in Action at Amazing Grace Academy

As the fastest growing Adventist church school in the North Pacific Union Conference, Amazing Grace Academy, in Palmer, Alaska, is experiencing an answer to prayer that has surpassed its wildest hopes. From an enrollment of 19 in 2010 and 43 in 2011, there are now 72 pre-enrolled students for the 2011–2012 school year. As the AGA students gather in the school hallway for their daily morning ritual to sing, pray and pledge allegiance, their prayers are of thanksgiving and for God's Spirit to inhabit the school. After the students disperse to their classrooms, staff and parents gather in the main office to pray and invite His presence and will to be accomplished at Amazing Grace Academy.

As can be imagined, AGA has been scrambling to meet the challenge of so many new students all at once. Classrooms have been rearranged and new teachers have been hired. Ashley Bailey, teacher, will combine a pre-K/Kindergarten program and Matthew Sandvik, teacher, will expand the music department as well as teach the upper grades. As AGA integrates its new students, the staff strives to hold to the purpose of the school: to show children Jesus, nurture their love for Him and others, teach them to think for themselves and empower them to grow.

AGA needs a gym. The Alaskan winter wind comes straight off of the Matanuska Glacier, whistling down into the valley with gusts that can exceed 80 miles an hour. It blows balls across the highway during recess, droping the wind chill to dangerous levels. According to one teacher, a sudden gust can knock over equipment and even children and teachers. Even without the wind, temperatures can drop down to -40, making it impossible to hold recess outdoors. Lively games in the basement must now make way for classrooms. The gym, planned for later, has become an urgent need now. As the Palmer Church and AGA partner with the Lord on this project, it is exciting to imagine how He will lead.

Please pray for students and staff that, as they head into this new year, they will ultimately continue to follow and complete the plan God has for AGA.

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Featured in: July 2011