Authority: Who Really Has It? Stan Hudson, NPUC creation ministries director, shares insights into the world of authority and what kind we, as Christians and pastors, have been given by Christ. Read more
Witnesses in Our Own Backyard When Jesus ascended to heaven, He charged the disciples to be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). Read more
A Hill to Die On: Part 2 Kevin McGill reflects on the role of women in marriages in the second part of his series on women in ministry. Read more
The Power of the Light John Freedman, NPUC president, shares three ways to shine the Light of Christ before the world. Read more
A Shepherd to the Flock What does the high calling look like for a pastor today? I would like to look to Psalm 23 where the imagery of the shepherd is intimately tied to pastoral ministry. Read more
I Did It! I Read the Scariest EGW Book! Stan Hudson, North Pacific Union creation ministries director, shares that because of regrets over past failures in ministry, he was fearful of reading ”Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers.” Read more
Livestream Bible Study Evangelism It’s such a pleasure to be a pastor winning souls for the kingdom! Parma Church is a friendly, caring, mission-minded family who welcomes visitors into fellowship weekly. Shelly, one of our newest members, has been more than just a visitor. Read more
Salt Lick Christianity Stan Hudson, NPUC creation ministries director, uses Jesus’ illustration of salt to raise questions about how that symbol should fit us in our mission to this world. Read more