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Youth and Young Adult Ministries Report 2016–2020

The scope of work is to provide support, training, leadership and inspiration to the following ministries throughout our territory:  Children’s Ministries, Adventurer Ministries, Pathfinder Ministries, Teen Leadership Training, Master Guide Ministries, Sabbath School, Youth Ministries, Camp Ministries, Young Adult Ministries, Public Campus Ministries — Adventist Christian Fellowships, National Serviceman’s Organization and Growing Together Cohorts for churches.

Our mission is to disciple our young people to the love of Jesus in order for them to reach people within the North Pacific Union and the world with the distinctive, Christ-centered, Seventh-day Adventist message of hope and wholeness.


Fast Facts:

  • More than 3,500 campers served each year at six ACA accredited camps across the Northwest
  • 750+ Pathfinders and staff attended the 2019 Oshkosh Pathfinder Camporee 
  • More than 100 churches are involved in Growing Together 
  • Annual NPUC Leadership/Discipleship Summit trains and equips young people
  • Three Northwest summer camps offer DiscipleTrek spiritual training programs


  • DiscipleTrek
  • Sabbath School Training
  • Children’s Ministries Convention
  • Adventurer training and club growth
  • Pathfinder training and club expansion
  • Growing Together


  1. Engaging churches in the Growing Together cohort learning journey to bring about positive Christ centered culture change for all generations.
  2. To engage young adults in the life and mission of the church
  3. Focusing on intentionally fulfilling the Gospel commission of discipleship by collaborative efforts in all ministries and developing discipleship opportunities for deeper growth to fill gaps — example DiscipleTrek.
  4. Adapting and thriving in the midst of COVID losses while rebuilding ministries that have fragmented
  5. Developing thriving youth Sabbath schools
  6. Establishing more Adventist Christian Fellowships to support and disciple Adventists who are attending secular universities in our territory
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Rob Lang

North Pacific Union youth and young adult director

Featured in: Constituency Report 2022
