Graham Celebrates 25 years with Sanctuary Dedication A dream from the 1960s for a church in Graham, Wash., became a reality in the 1980s, and the church recently celebrated its 25th birthday with a church sanctuary dedication. Walt Lively, a Graham Church leader, says, "Reality starts with a dream."... Read more
KACS Radio Ministry Raises Friends, Not Just Funds The Adventist radio station serving the I-5 corridor between Longview and Tacoma, Wash., recently held an on-air friendraiser drive.Cameron Beierle, station manager of independently-operated 90.5 KACS-FM, said the friendraiser increased the connec... Read more
Loving God, Loving People Rick Quast Retires Rick Quast, a pastor with more than 40 years of experience, is looking forward to "wandering" with his wife, Linda, in their retirement. "On Sabbath mornings, we'll get up and say, ‘Where will we go today?'"The couple both retired on the same day ... Read more
A Spiritual Feast Port Angeles Church Distributes Literature During the national Ten Commandments Day in May, the Port Angeles Church obtained permission from a major retailer to set up an outdoor display at their entrance.In two afternoons, members distributed more than 3,500 pieces of literature, includin... Read more
A Better Plan God Leads the Lives of Two Ministers Eric Williams thought being a pastor would be boring—that is, until he started working at summer camp and discovered that Christianity could be "very, very fun.""I started getting addicted to watching people come to Jesus," Williams recalled. Late... Read more
Hilda's Brigade Arlington Church Participates in Cancer Walk When Hilda Pouli, a member of the Arlington Church, recently lost her battle with cancer, Arlington members knew they wanted to do something to honor Hilda's battle.Kathy Patrick, another Arlington member who is battling cancer, found out about th... Read more
A Place to Belong Sunset Lake Camp Celebrates 50 Years of Camping Excellence A horse with its young rider wandered off the path. When the accompanying wrangler saw the problem, she calmed the girl down, guided the horse back and said, "Just like horses drift off the path, we also drift off God's path. Jesus leads us back."... Read more
All Nations Center Involved in Community Outreach The Bible says, "And three thousand were added to their number that day" (Acts 2:41, NIV). Can you imagine that happening today in your local Seventh-day Adventist Church? Everyone would want to know how it was done and how they could replicate th... Read more
Baptisms at Spirit Lake, Idaho Michael Collins and Sharon Erickson were baptized in the Spirit Lake Church on succeeding Sabbaths, Collins on the last Sabbath of 2006 and Erickson on the first Sabbath of 2007.Collins, 12, had recently moved from Vancouver, Wash., where his moth... Read more