Mat Valley Adventist School Hosts 'Science Guy' for Week of Prayer

Ben Roy is a man who likes to make things go bang. Mat Valley Adventist School students watched during the October 2007 week of prayer as balloons popped, paper disappeared with a flash, and a rocket hit the ceiling of the sanctuary with a satisfactory thwack. Speaker Roy is a soft-spoken man who captures the attention of children and adults alike as he mixes hands-on experiments, scientific data and spiritual truths.

Roy, also known as the "Science Guy," is a science educator for grades K through 12 who travels to schools, Pathfinder clubs, science fairs and assemblies across the country. He is the past director of WTVC Newschannel 9 Science Theater and now teaches science methods to education majors at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. Roy has also been an elementary and middle school principal and teacher in Georgia and Tennessee.

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Featured in: January 2008