Lakeview Church Holds Evangelistic Series

The Lakeview Church decided during a summer church business meeting to hold an evangelistic series in October 2007. The church has been rebroadcasting 3ABN television and FM radio, and they know that community members are hearing and learning about Jesus through these local media outlets. Holding an evangelistic series would offer people another opportunity to learn more.

The church decided to conduct this meeting without the financial aid of the conference. They also decided that since they were not bringing in an evangelist from outside, they could do the advertising and buy the material needed from their own resources.

The meetings were titled "What the Bible Says About…" The advertising in the newspaper and handouts followed the title by listing several things, such as "Can Jesus be real for me in this hectic and busy world?," "Are we living in the end time or not?" and "Is the Sabbath really important?" There were about five other topics mentioned in the handouts.

The meetings started on Friday night, Oct. 5, 2007, and they continued each Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday nights, including two Sabbath morning meetings through October 27. Several community members attended most evenings and on Sabbath mornings.

The church also voted to get the baptistry ready for use. The members wanted to have baptisms in their own baptistry in their own church. The baptistry had not been used for a few years and it needed some repairs. The church has recently been conducting their baptisms in a swimming pool at Hunter's Lodge in Lakeview. Rony Vo, head deacon, coordinated the repairs. New baptismal robes were also purchased to replace the worn-out ones.

On Sabbath afternoon, Oct. 27, two people were baptized into Jesus and church membership. The church also held a profession of faith service on Tuesday at the bedside of a man too frail for baptism but who made a strong confession of Jesus and asked to be a Seventh-day Adventist.

An additional baptism was held on Sabbath, Dec. 1, for one of our young people who wanted her grandpa to be at her baptism; he couldn't be there in October.

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Featured in: January 2008
