Through the Storm: Recovering Your Mental Health

We’ve all adjusted admirably to changes brought on by the pandemic. We’ve tackled outdoor birthday parties, impromptu homeschooling and even Zoom videoconferencing weddings with creativity and a sense of adventure. But day after day of isolation? No uplifting hymns and praise songs sung together in church? Months-long separation from beloved family members? Job losses? No hugs? Now that has taken a toll.

During the pandemic, approximately four in 10 adults reported feelings of anxiety and depression — up from one in 10 adults reporting these symptoms prior to the pandemic.[1] In fact, during the last year, mental health has become part of mainstream conversation in a way it rarely has before. That is good news in a year when nearly everyone has experienced more stress.

So how do we keep calm and carry on? Faith in God and continual prayer is our foundation — relying on Him we find happiness and strength. Our well-being is rooted in Jesus and in His ministry of teaching, preaching and healing. As His disciples, we use our various talents and training to encourage and support one another. The healing ministry of Jesus continues today through the work of Adventist Health and its mission to live God’s love by inspiring health, wholeness and hope.

This month, we've teamed up with experts from Adventist Health to offer practical steps you can take day by day to improve your mental health and reestablish your sense of resilience and happiness — from science-backed strategies to cultivate happiness to a reminder of why your mental health matters. You can choose to take that first step toward well-being and the fullness of joy, read on to learn more.

We start with five ways to experience joy. Then we share why mental health matters and talk about signs and treatment of depression.


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Kim Strobel

Adventist Health program manager for religion, faith and mission

Jay Wintermeyer

North Pacific Union assistant to the president for communication and Gleaner editor

Featured in: September/October 2021
