February 2010 About this issue: Feature Editors' Note February 01, 2010 EDITORS' NOTE: In the second installment of this year's emphasis on Rethinking Stewardship, we take a look at how good stewardship begins with a personal commitment to giving and living your life for Christ. Download PDF (4.24 MB) More Features Editors' Note EDITORS' NOTE: In the second installment of this year's emphasis on Rethinking Stewardship, we take a look at how good stewardship begins with a personal commitment to giving and living your life for Christ. Read more Simple Steps for Spiritual Growth "Be like Jesus, this my song,In the home and in the throng;Be like Jesus all day long,I would be like Jesus."Is this just a well-known hymn or can it be a well-known experience in our lives? What does it take to be a joyful, fully-devoted disciple... Read more Simple Steps for Spiritual Growth "Be like Jesus, this my song,In the home and in the throng;Be like Jesus all day long,I would be like Jesus."Is this just a well-known hymn or can it be a well-known experience in our lives? What does it take to be a joyful, fully-devoted disciple... Read more Ten Ideas for Spiritual Growth Growing spiritually is the work of a lifetime. Pick something on the list and take another step forward ...Repent of a self-absorbed lifestyle and be baptized for the forgiveness of your sins and to receive the Holy Spirit.Pick a regular time, pla... Read more Ten Ideas for Spiritual Growth Growing spiritually is the work of a lifetime. Pick something on the list and take another step forward ...Repent of a self-absorbed lifestyle and be baptized for the forgiveness of your sins and to receive the Holy Spirit.Pick a regular time, pla... Read more Others Stewardship It's All About Life Last month I shared how I was privileged, early on in my ministry, to share Wednesday afternoons with Mel Rees. Around his dining room table I learned some "big ideas" about stewardship. These are ideas I still believe in and remember. The first b... Read more Letters February I will get to the point. Why is the NPUC wasting financial resources by spending money on sending out The Great Controversy to members? I am not alone in this question. We already have many copies and do not need another. I am not sure what the go... Read more Stewardship It's All About Life Last month I shared how I was privileged, early on in my ministry, to share Wednesday afternoons with Mel Rees. Around his dining room table I learned some "big ideas" about stewardship. These are ideas I still believe in and remember. The first b... Read more Letter Box February SEND US YOUR COMMENTS!Do you have a comment or question regarding something you've read in the GLEANER? Or, perhaps a brief anecdote or photo about your faith or your church? Share it with us on this page. Send your comments, anecdotes or photos t... Read more Blog graphic content On the WebGleaner Blogs:Let's Talk — NEW!Cindy's Garden BlogMAXimum PerspectivesCurrent EventsCurrent Gleaner IssueFinanceTip SheetThe latest Northwest and World Church News:www.gleaneronline.orgBecome an NPUC GLEANER "friend" on Facebook Read more God Got His Lawn Mower Back When someone stole a riding lawn mower from the storage shed at the Yelm (Wash.) Adventist Church on or around March 11 last year, they didn't reckon on divine intervention. Di Chappell, church office manager, related this story to the GLEANER.Fee... Read more Feb. Churches Will Target Haiti Relief February 6Many of the 470 churches Haiti's Adventist members worship in are now in ruins.A special offering for "Haiti Disaster Relief (SDA)" will be taken on Sabbath, February 6, throughout the North American Div... Read more What Are You Reaching For? I had been eying the iridescent green bottle on the top shelf of the linen closet for days. It was out of reach ... and therefore desirable. To my three-year-old eyes, the glass bottle of Bactine looked fascinating.So it was one day, with my mothe... Read more Blog graphic content On the WebGleaner Blogs:Let's Talk — NEW!Cindy's Garden BlogMAXimum PerspectivesCurrent EventsCurrent Gleaner IssueFinanceTip SheetThe latest Northwest and World Church News:www.gleaneronline.orgBecome an NPUC GLEANER "friend" on Facebook Read more Feb. Churches Will Target Haiti Relief February 6Many of the 470 churches Haiti's Adventist members worship in are now in ruins.A special offering for "Haiti Disaster Relief (SDA)" will be taken on Sabbath, February 6, throughout the North American Div... Read more What Are You Reaching For? I had been eying the iridescent green bottle on the top shelf of the linen closet for days. It was out of reach ... and therefore desirable. To my three-year-old eyes, the glass bottle of Bactine looked fascinating.So it was one day, with my mothe... Read more Letters February I will get to the point. Why is the NPUC wasting financial resources by spending money on sending out The Great Controversy to members? I am not alone in this question. We already have many copies and do not need another. I am not sure what the go... Read more Letter Box February SEND US YOUR COMMENTS!Do you have a comment or question regarding something you've read in the GLEANER? Or, perhaps a brief anecdote or photo about your faith or your church? Share it with us on this page. Send your comments, anecdotes or photos t... Read more God Got His Lawn Mower Back When someone stole a riding lawn mower from the storage shed at the Yelm (Wash.) Adventist Church on or around March 11 last year, they didn't reckon on divine intervention. Di Chappell, church office manager, related this story to the GLEANER.Fee... Read more News ACCION Los Secretos de la Vida Traen Esperanza a Miles de Personas GC Youth Director Speaks to Young Alaskans Bristol Bay Mission School Still Has an Impact Middleton Church Celebrates Baptisms in New Building Gem State Student Speaks Out for Christ Billings Features All-Youth All-Night Lock-in Great Falls Harvest Party Follow the Star in Gladstone Medford Reflections Giving: The Lifeblood of Columbia Adventist Academy "Amazing Grace" Recognized For 35 Years of Service Portland Adventist Academy Moves to Lose Secrets of Life Brings Hope to Thousands Milo Elementary Shares Christmas Around the World Baptism Highlights Springfield Christmas Program Woodland Church Members Deliver Delicious Holiday Cheer Carpenter in the Kitchen Sharing Christ One Meal at a Time Thirsty for More How One Family Came to Christ A Birthday Party For Jesus! Anchor Point's Christmas Gift Box: More UCC News Journey to Bethlehem From Hermiston to Bethlehem in Twenty Minutes Jordana GLOWS with True Happiness Journey to Bethlehem Tri-City Junior Academy Class Feeds Hungry Children Yakima Church Celebrates Faith of Pioneers Revival In Hermiston Anchor Point Church Journey to Bethlehem Events Impact 7,400 Portland Embraces WWU Nursing Students Sequim Hosts Depression Recovery Seminar Washington Conference Session BOX: The Big Picture of Ministry Holiday Outreach Nurtures Community Connections AAA Students Host Christmas Party for Children Skagit Develops Caring Citizens
Editors' Note EDITORS' NOTE: In the second installment of this year's emphasis on Rethinking Stewardship, we take a look at how good stewardship begins with a personal commitment to giving and living your life for Christ. Read more
Simple Steps for Spiritual Growth "Be like Jesus, this my song,In the home and in the throng;Be like Jesus all day long,I would be like Jesus."Is this just a well-known hymn or can it be a well-known experience in our lives? What does it take to be a joyful, fully-devoted disciple... Read more
Simple Steps for Spiritual Growth "Be like Jesus, this my song,In the home and in the throng;Be like Jesus all day long,I would be like Jesus."Is this just a well-known hymn or can it be a well-known experience in our lives? What does it take to be a joyful, fully-devoted disciple... Read more
Ten Ideas for Spiritual Growth Growing spiritually is the work of a lifetime. Pick something on the list and take another step forward ...Repent of a self-absorbed lifestyle and be baptized for the forgiveness of your sins and to receive the Holy Spirit.Pick a regular time, pla... Read more
Ten Ideas for Spiritual Growth Growing spiritually is the work of a lifetime. Pick something on the list and take another step forward ...Repent of a self-absorbed lifestyle and be baptized for the forgiveness of your sins and to receive the Holy Spirit.Pick a regular time, pla... Read more
Stewardship It's All About Life Last month I shared how I was privileged, early on in my ministry, to share Wednesday afternoons with Mel Rees. Around his dining room table I learned some "big ideas" about stewardship. These are ideas I still believe in and remember. The first b... Read more
Letters February I will get to the point. Why is the NPUC wasting financial resources by spending money on sending out The Great Controversy to members? I am not alone in this question. We already have many copies and do not need another. I am not sure what the go... Read more
Stewardship It's All About Life Last month I shared how I was privileged, early on in my ministry, to share Wednesday afternoons with Mel Rees. Around his dining room table I learned some "big ideas" about stewardship. These are ideas I still believe in and remember. The first b... Read more
Letter Box February SEND US YOUR COMMENTS!Do you have a comment or question regarding something you've read in the GLEANER? Or, perhaps a brief anecdote or photo about your faith or your church? Share it with us on this page. Send your comments, anecdotes or photos t... Read more
Blog graphic content On the WebGleaner Blogs:Let's Talk — NEW!Cindy's Garden BlogMAXimum PerspectivesCurrent EventsCurrent Gleaner IssueFinanceTip SheetThe latest Northwest and World Church News:www.gleaneronline.orgBecome an NPUC GLEANER "friend" on Facebook Read more
God Got His Lawn Mower Back When someone stole a riding lawn mower from the storage shed at the Yelm (Wash.) Adventist Church on or around March 11 last year, they didn't reckon on divine intervention. Di Chappell, church office manager, related this story to the GLEANER.Fee... Read more
Feb. Churches Will Target Haiti Relief February 6Many of the 470 churches Haiti's Adventist members worship in are now in ruins.A special offering for "Haiti Disaster Relief (SDA)" will be taken on Sabbath, February 6, throughout the North American Div... Read more
What Are You Reaching For? I had been eying the iridescent green bottle on the top shelf of the linen closet for days. It was out of reach ... and therefore desirable. To my three-year-old eyes, the glass bottle of Bactine looked fascinating.So it was one day, with my mothe... Read more
Blog graphic content On the WebGleaner Blogs:Let's Talk — NEW!Cindy's Garden BlogMAXimum PerspectivesCurrent EventsCurrent Gleaner IssueFinanceTip SheetThe latest Northwest and World Church News:www.gleaneronline.orgBecome an NPUC GLEANER "friend" on Facebook Read more
Feb. Churches Will Target Haiti Relief February 6Many of the 470 churches Haiti's Adventist members worship in are now in ruins.A special offering for "Haiti Disaster Relief (SDA)" will be taken on Sabbath, February 6, throughout the North American Div... Read more
What Are You Reaching For? I had been eying the iridescent green bottle on the top shelf of the linen closet for days. It was out of reach ... and therefore desirable. To my three-year-old eyes, the glass bottle of Bactine looked fascinating.So it was one day, with my mothe... Read more
Letters February I will get to the point. Why is the NPUC wasting financial resources by spending money on sending out The Great Controversy to members? I am not alone in this question. We already have many copies and do not need another. I am not sure what the go... Read more
Letter Box February SEND US YOUR COMMENTS!Do you have a comment or question regarding something you've read in the GLEANER? Or, perhaps a brief anecdote or photo about your faith or your church? Share it with us on this page. Send your comments, anecdotes or photos t... Read more
God Got His Lawn Mower Back When someone stole a riding lawn mower from the storage shed at the Yelm (Wash.) Adventist Church on or around March 11 last year, they didn't reckon on divine intervention. Di Chappell, church office manager, related this story to the GLEANER.Fee... Read more