Did You Know? - August 2008

Because this section is primarily a graphic design in the print version, it is not available here. You can see the Did You Know page for this month by looking in the print edition of GLEANER or by clicking on the PDF version. To get to the PDF version, click on the underlined MONTH above. You'll see a thumbnail of the cover in the lower right corner. Click on "Download PDF magazine" to open the file. Be patient—there are many pages to load, so it takes quite awhile to open the whole file.

Learning to Help

Want to expand your vocabulary and do your small part to fight global hunger? Thanks to the Web site freerice.com, you can do both. For visitors the site appears to be a simple vocabulary quiz game, but the payoff comes when you correctly define a given word. For each correct answer, freerice.com will donate 20 grains of rice to the UN World Food Program. Since October 2007 successful brain aerobics have turned into over 34 billion grains of rice.

SOURCE: http://www.freerice.com

Common Threads

The term "Religious Americans" may refer to a wide variety of doctrines and worship styles. But, according to a new study, 70 percent of religious Americans believe many faiths can lead to eternal life. Here are some other areas they agreed on:


Believe in God.


Believe in miracles.


Pray daily (outside of religious services).


Read scriptures at least once a week.


Say their prayers are answered at least once a month.

SOURCE: Pew Research Center

Mobile Study

Since 1942 DiscoverBible Guides have helped provide a clearer understanding of God, the Bible and how they apply to our lives today. Now the series is being made available on Internet-enabled cell phones. To access the lessons, just use your phone’s Web browser to navigate to biblestudies.com/cell and start the first lesson.

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Featured in: August 2008


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