Services Based in the NPUC Office

eAdventist, an online membership management system, was originally developed for the North Pacific Union, but it has been adopted by the North American Division. Brian Ford and Rob Garvin provide training and support for this efficient method of transferring memberships and updating contact information.

General Conference Auditing Service (GCAS) was formed by the General Conference as an independent function in 1976 and is responsible for the financial, policy compliance and trust audits of all denominational entities. The North Pacific District of GCAS performs the audits within the NPUC territory. Currently there are seven auditors, all employed by the General Conference, based in the NPUC office building.

NAD National Buy Advertising Program, coordinated by Nadine Dower, GLEANER managing editor, makes it possible for display advertisers to receive a 15 percent discount when they buy half- or full-page ad space in at least five of the nine North American Division union magazines concurrently. Information about the program is available at

Native Ministries, while very active in the Northwest, has spread beyond the NPUC territory. Monte Church is Native Ministries director for Canada as well.

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Featured in: August 2006


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