Image Credit: Heidi Baumgartner

Prayer Creates Memorable Camp Meeting Moments

Prayers years in the making found answers at three back-to-back camp meeting experiences in western Washington.

With each faith-sharing sermon and challenge she heard through the years, Francisca Domínguez knew she needed to pray first for her mother, already a strong woman of faith, and then for the rest of her family to join the Adventist Church.

Those prayers started to become a reality when the entire family, in their various faith walks, attended Campestre Hispano this year to witness as Paulina Meza joined the church by profession of faith. She had already influenced five other people to join the Adventist movement before she did — something her family gently teases her about.

Domínguez continues to involve her family in small group Bible studies, family meals and church activities. When it comes to sharing faith, Domínguez says, "Start with your family."

Overflowing Faith

The Earliteen leaders for ages 13 and 14 at Washington Adventist Camp Meeting prefaced their planning and programs sessions with prayer.

“Every day — morning, afternoon and evening — our team would pray for God to work in the lives of teenagers,” says Angel Ogando, Earliteen division leader and pastor. “We wanted the Earliteen tent to be a space where God is honored.”

Rome Ulia, a pastor in Australia, initially planned to invite the teenagers to follow Jesus in his final presentation and felt a last-minute impression to switch the invitation to the first night.

“We ended up having a full week for follow up,” Ogando says. “Teens told their parents to come. We requested more chairs, and still people were sitting on the ground. We saw the power of the Holy Spirit working.”

The overflowing tent was empty on Sabbath morning as peers and parents joined together on the main stage in Rainier Auditorium to celebrate six baptisms and commemorate the Holy Spirit’s work of revival in more teen lives.

Generational Faith

The elder generation gave the larger meeting space to the younger generation at the North American Samoan camp meeting held this year in Auburn, Wash. The two generations had their respective “Show Me” faith-building programs and collective cultural-sharing programs including games, career day, fashion and storytelling.

Guest speaker Meshach Soli, a pastor in San Diego, Calif., challenged young people to ask God to show them love, faith and truth.

“Pacific Islanders represent 2% of the North American Division membership population,” shares Soli. “Be the two percent to speak up for whatever is holding you back. Get out of your comfort zone to be an innovator for God.”

Parents and grandparents watched as their children responded to the messages they had heard all week. An afternoon “Growing Young” program was scrapped as arrangements were quickly made for a baptism service for 44 primarily young people to be held in the campus swimming pool.

“I started crying when I saw my daughter and nephew go forward. This decision for Jesus is their own,” says Crystal Toleafoa from Alaska. “It’s every Christian parent’s prayer for their child to choose Jesus.”

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Featured in: September/October 2019
