Helena Shows the Love The Helena Seventh-day Adventist Church in Helena, Montana, spent this winter focused on spreading love to their neighbors. Freshly baked lemon-cranberry bread was delivered in time for Thanksgiving, and candy canes and a poem about Jesus' birth w... Read more
The Calm Between Storms The inauguration of the 2021 ski season at Bear Canyon Ski Hill in Bozeman, Montana, operated by Mount Ellis Academy, started with ideal conditions for a night-skiing session. A Saturday night school activity was perfectly timed between two substa... Read more
Mount Ellis Elementary Donates 'Socks of Love' Mount Ellis Elementary has always taken great pride in outreach programs. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, many usual activities had to be canceled or postponed. The staff and students of MEE decided to find a safe way to minister to our communit... Read more
Seeing Jesus in You Roundup Seventh-day Adventist Church members involve themselves in their Montana community. They may be a small group, but they are mighty in the Lord’s work. They are not afraid to interact in their small town. Read more
Highland View Christian School Joins American Legion, Civil Air Patrol to Host Veterans Day Highland View Christian School was the center of Veterans Day activities in Butte, Montana. Read more
Thousands Raised for Bozeman Warming Center For the past 10 years Jim Jenkins, pastor, has encouraged his Bozeman Church congregation to join the October Flying Signs for the Warming Center fundraising event. Each year those who participate experience the blessing of serving others and the ... Read more
God’s Overflowing Love Montana's Roundup Seventh-day Adventist Church has few members, but God promises where two or three gather together He will be also (Matt.18:20). This Montana church recently set a goal for supporting the Adventist Development and Relief Agency. I... Read more
Delayed Appreciation Delivered The Billings Church had a delayed celebration of Pastor Appreciation Month due to their pastor, Stephen Carlile, being in quarantine from COVID-19. Carlile has recovered, and his family stayed well, so the congregation surprised them on Sabbath, N... Read more
Cleaning Up in Roundup On a smoky day in September, the Roundup Seventh-day Adventist Church gathered to do their volunteer duty for the Montana Department of Transportation and its Adopt a Highway program. Read more