Walla Walla College Found to Contribute to the Economic Health of the Valley A recent study found that Walla Walla College’s contribution to the surrounding communities is significant—to the tune of $103 million a year. The study, “The Economic Impact of Walla Walla College on the Blue Mountain Region,” was conducted by Ke... Read more
Alumni Homecoming 2003 The annual Alumni Homecoming Weekend organized by the Walla Walla College Alumni Association is scheduled for April 24–27, 2003. All alumni and friends of the college are cordially invited to attend the event-filled weekend.Beginning on Thursday w... Read more
Puyallup Youth Pie and Starvation The Puyallup Church youth leadership was one of many groups represented at the Piece of the Pie youth seminar held in Bothell in January. Steve Case, Piece of the Pie Ministries president, led the youth leaders through a series of topics and activ... Read more
Auburn Academy Discovers History Repeats Itself Solomon, the wisest man who has ever lived, observed that “nothing is new under the sun.” He discovered in his last days that there was nothing new, only new versions of what has been.Auburn Adventist Academy, established in 1919, has seen many of... Read more
Students Raise Funds for ADRA The students of Kirkland Adventist Elementary School and Puget Sound Adventist Academy came together to raise money for the Adventist Development and Relief Agency’s (ADRA) Food Security Project. By digging into his or her own pockets every elemen... Read more
Enumclaw Students Serve their Community Located in a quiet country setting just 15 minutes from Auburn Adventist Academy, Enumclaw Adventist Elementary School is a small, family-oriented school. It provides a Christian atmosphere that encourages young people to become involved in sharin... Read more
Upper Columbia Conference Couples Retreat Couples found a great way to spend the Valentine weekend by attending the Upper Columbia Conference Couples’ Retreat at Camp MiVoden in Hayden Lake, Idaho. The scenery was breathtaking and the atmosphere of the lakeside retreat was healing and pea... Read more
Women’s Ministry Involves Many Fifty-four women and teens met at the Upper Columbia Conference office on Feb. 9, to share their vision and make plans for women’s ministry events for the year. The fifteen teenagers present and their sponsors spent the afternoon making plans for ... Read more
Universities Under Siege When the command was given by Jesus to go to every nation, kindred, tongue and people, he said to go to our public universities and community colleges. A public campus contains an incredible diversity of ethnicity, religion, race, language, and th... Read more