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NAD Issues Statement of Concern for Hispanics in North America

Many Hispanics in the United States are experiencing an increased fear as a result of national events and polices. As a result, the Hispanic leadership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America has released a statement expressing concern and support for Hispanics living in North America.

The full statement, written by the North American Division (NAD) Hispanic Advisory, is below in English and Spanish.



many Latino immigrants in the United States feel fear and anguish over events that have taken place recently;


the Bible teaches us to love our neighbor regardless of race or nationality (John 17: 21-23, John 13:34), which God has made all mankind with one blood (Acts 17:26), all deserving of same respect and consideration;


the church has a moral responsibility to take care of the disadvantaged (Leviticus 23:22) and denounce oppression, abuse or mistreatment in any form (Psalm 82: 3-4; Isaiah 1:17);

The Hispanic leadership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America, declare our determination to:

condemn racism in all its forms, especially when expressed in violence, reject practices that instill humiliation and fear in people's hearts, and inspire our church members and neighbors to create an atmosphere of acceptance in our communities, longing for and waiting for the day when the Creator of all human beings establishes his ultimate kingdom of eternal peace and freedom.


Considerando que,

muchos inmigrantes latinoamericanos en los Estados Unidos, sienten temor y angustia por sucesos recientes;

Considerando que,

la Biblia nos enseña a amar al prójimo sin importar su raza o nacionalidad (Juan 17:21-23, Juan 13:34), que Dios ha hecho a toda la humanidad de una sola sangre (Hechos 17:26), merecedores todos del mismo respeto y consideración; 

Considerando que,

la iglesia tiene la responsabilidad moral de cuidar del desfavorecido (Levítico 23:22) y denunciar la opresión, el abuso o el maltrato en cualquier forma (Salmo 82:3-4; Isaías 1:17);

El liderazgo hispano de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día en Norteamérica, declaramos nuestra determinación a:

condenar el racismo en todas sus formas, especialmente cuando se lo expresa en violencia, rechazar las prácticas que inspiran humillación y temor en el corazón de las personas, e inspirar a nuestros miembros de iglesia y vecinos a crear un ambiente de aceptación en nuestras comunidades, anhelando y esperando el día en que el Creador de todos los seres humanos establezca su reino definitivo de paz y libertad eternas.

