NW Pathfinders Excel at NAD Level Bible Experience

Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE) teams from around the North Pacific Union fared well in this year's North American Division (NAD) event, held April 26–27 in Rockford, Ill. Ten PBE teams from the Northwest traveled to Rockford to join nearly 100 other teams from around the continent. Following is a list of those 10 teams along with their final placement.

Oregon Conference

  • Pleasant Valley Panthers Tax Collectors: First Place
  • Pleasant Valley Panthers Great Physician's Assistants: Second Place
  • Pleasant Valley Panthers Theophilites: First Place

Upper Columbia Conference

  • Goldendale Pioneers: First Place
  • Hayden Lake Ponderosa: First Place
  • Walla Walla City Sunrise: First Place
  • Deer Park Mountaineers Legendary 4: First Place

Washington Conference

  • Bellevue Sojourners Mustard Seeds: First Place
  • Bellevue Sojourners Pentateuch: First Place
  • North Cascade Eagles: First Place

Pastor Gene Clapp, this year's NAD PBE coordinator, commented on the event. "Congratulations to all our division PBE teams," Clapp said. "At Rockford, we had 158 first-place teams, 48 second-place teams and three third-place teams. You are all winners! The NAD team wants to thank not only the Pathfinders who put so much hard work into preparing, studying and memorizing the Gospel of Luke, but we also want to give a huge 'thank you' to all the parents and staff that invested in, encouraged, sweated, studied with and fed these great PBE teams."

Northwest PBE teams will have a much easier opportunity to attend the NAD level event in 2020. It is scheduled for April 17–18, 2020, at the NW Sports Hub, an arena in Centralia, Wash. For the upcoming round, PBE teams will be studying Ezra, Nehemiah, Hosea, Amos, Jonah and Micah.

We pray Northwest young people who become involved in the Pathfinder Bible Experience will not only study the Word, but learn to love the Author more each day.

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Steve Vistaunet

North Pacific Union assistant to the president for communication and Gleaner editor, 1996–2019