Image Credit: Sonia Borgert

Getting Personal Brings Community to Kamiah

Kamiah (Idaho) Church members planned a "Carols for Christ" worship service during this past Christmas season to honor Jesus by depicting His miraculous birth, ministry on Earth, atoning death, incredible resurrection and hoped-for soon return.

As the children's choir began their practice, church members organized into their jobs of providing songs, narration and some light pageantry. The dining room was decorated attractively and a menu planned for the members and invited guests to enjoy after the service.

A press release was sent to the newspaper office inviting the whole community. More than 80 home-school families were invited via email. Carolers distributed invitations to neighbors with a peppermint star cookie. Bright red posters were put up in public places around town. "You are invited to 'Carols for Christ' and stay for the meal afterwards!" the words proclaimed.

On the day of the service, six visitors came from the community to hear the glorious story of Jesus. Eight beautiful Desire of Ages were given to families who wanted one. After the service guests mingled with members over a delicious, Adventist-tradition meal of haystacks.

Later the church members noted that not one of the community guests responded to all the various means of media that were used to announce the event. Instead each one responded to a personal invitation given by one of the church members. This reality echoed the words of Ellen White: "There are souls to save. Come near to them by personal effort" (Testimonies for the Church, vol. 5, p. 599).

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Featured in: March 2018
