'Such an Army of Youth' Provides Newport Worship Service

April 12, a sunny Sabbath, was Youth Day at the Newport (Wash.) Church. The young people were engaged in every aspect of the worship service, including picking up the offering, giving the announcements, leading the song service, reading Scripture, telling the children's story, giving special music and giving the sermon.

Alan and Candace Mayfield, Newport Church's new Bible worker and outreach coordinator, shared during a sermon titled "Embrace His Grace." Charles Lawson, Newport Church youth leader, assisted in the program. The service concluded with Steve Wahlberg, a pastor with White Horse Media Ministries, inviting the local elders forward in a dedication service for Candace Mayfield and her work. This high day continued with a delicious potluck and an afternoon saxophone concert by Scott Orser, with Ginger Brockman accompanying. Orser's parents, Del and Bonnie Orser, provided biblical insights and dialogue between the musical numbers and shared experiences from their 14 mission trips to India.

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Featured in: June 2014
