Union Kids Graduate from KidZone Bible Guides

Some of the first young people have graduated from the Voice of Prophecy's (VOP) new KidZone Bible study program. They are Amy Conray of Albany, Ore.; Carlus Bets of Poplar, Mont.; and Simon Bakhshnia of Kettle Falls, Wash.

Amy, a nine-year-old, writes, "I enjoyed learning more about heaven!" Carlus, also nine-years-old, says, "The activities provided fun during Sabbath afternoon hours."

At the Kettle Falls Church, Mary Ratcliff, local coordinator, introduced the children to KidZone during a series of meetings at the church. Nearly every night, eight-year-old Simon brought a lesson he completed and waited eagerly (with a big smile) while she graded it for him. He was the first at his church to finish KidZone.

KidZone presents doctrines with stories and illustrations for junior-age youth and is designed to be used by vacation Bible schools, baptismal classes, elementary schools and for sharing door-to-door.

Topics for the 14 lessons include: creation, salvation, baptism, prayer, the Ten Commandments, the Sabbath, and health. Every guide includes an appeal to accept Jesus. In addition to a response sheet, each lesson features an activity page with games and puzzles.

KidZone is free to kids in the U.S. and Canada. Children worldwide will be able to read the guides online when a new VOP Web site, kidsvop.com launches this year. The Web site will have additional activities for children, not included in the lessons.

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Featured in: February 2008
