Theme: Adoption: The Best Option

Out-of-wedlock births now account for one-third of all births in the U.S.

Source: 2000, National Vital Statistics

30 percent of Americans feel that adoption is the most appropriate action for unmarried teens faced with an unexpected pregnancy compared to 8 percent for abortion.

Source: 2000, Wirthlin

There are between one and two million infertile and fertile couples and individuals who would like to adopt.

Source: 1999, Adoption Factbook III

Adopted adolescent children:

have high self-esteem, as high or higher than their peers.

are as deeply attached to their adoptive parents as their siblings who are not adopted.

have adoptive parents who are strongly attached to them and 95 percent of adoptive parents of adolescent children report strong bond and attachment.

through their adolescent years have adoptive parents who are 2.5 times more likely to stay married than married couples with children who have not adopted.

Source: 1994, Search Institute

Pregnant teens:

are seven times more likely to choose adoption when they receive services that provide counseling and information on adoption to all clients than those who receive services from a program where adoption is not addressed with all clients.

are six times more likely to choose adoption when parents of teens are included in counseling services.

are six times more likely to choose adoption when asked to compare their life if they parented with their life if they choose adoption.

Source: 1999, Adoption Factbook III

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Featured in: August 2003


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