Pull Quotes for Perspective

"Our greatest need is in prioritizing. In these economically difficult times we have to make financial appropriations by determining, not what could be beneficial, but what is absolutely necessary — not to protect status quo, but to accomplish our God-given mission." — Jim Berglund

"We became convinced that more resources need to be directed to frontline ministry. Our recommendations provided to Max Torkelsen suggest how this could take place, including some additional reduction for the NPUC office." — Doug Johnson

"Our church was started by Spirit-led people. A century and a half later our world is a different place. Spirit-anointed structures may need Spirit-led altering or adapting. It's important for us to discern between God's continued leading and our tendency to simply want things our way." — Ruth Harms

"I didn't find the "bloat" that so many members complain about. With the current staffing levels, many people are wearing multiple hats, something we did not see 30 years ago. The question to ask now is, are we advancing the gospel mission as effectively with less staff?" — Tanya Huether

"The success of our church in growth over the past several decades has also made a sense of community more difficult to maintain. Everyone no longer knows everybody else. When we are more distant there is a greater likelihood of questions about all the structures earlier generations established to maintain the community of churches and membership." — Dennis Carlson

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Featured in: September 2011
