Read more I did not think much when I took this photo. Just noticed it landed near me while I was waiting for a different bird. I decided to take hold the opportunity turned out to be a rather popular shot.Credit: Paul Pantorilla Look what I found
The Audacity of Hope in a World Gone Mad The world is a swirling vortex of chaos. War, famine, pestilence and injustice seem to be the order of the day. It's easy to get lost in the darkness and to succumb to despair. But even in the darkest of times, there is a flicker of light. Read more
Raising Children in a Digital World Raising a child is challenging enough, but raising a child in the digital age is a completely different level. Learn more about safeguards you can implement to keep your kids safe online. Read more
Education Heroes Through their faith- and values-based dedication, my neighbors showcased what it means to live a life of generosity. They used the talents and time God entrusted to them, creating beauty and joy in their corner of the world through the gift of music. Read more
Read more Schools in the Bible Elisha helped build a school of prophets and Paul taught at a school for two years to teach people about Jesus. For family worship, learn more about these schools in the Bible and encourage your children or grandchildren build a school, too!
Talking to Your Friend Good friends like to spend time with each other. They care about what you think and how you feel. They like to hear from you, and they can hardly wait to talk to you. God wants to be your best friend. Talk with Him through prayer! Read more
Pray Always The Bible says you can “pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks for what you have” (Phil. 4:6). Here are some ways you can practice prayer and praise with your family. Read more
Bible Readings for December 2024 Follow the daily reading plan and you will read the entire Bible in a year. Read more