
Remembering the Campgrounds

Looking at the [December archive photo], I believe it's taken next to the old Chatauqua building on the Gladstone (Oregon) Campgrounds. I remember the Chatauqua building. The first year my folks and I attended Gladstone Camp Meeting was 1954. I was 2 1/2 years old. I also remember the bell tower and the bell that rang announcing each adult meeting. Those were the good old days! It's sure not the same now. I was able to locate the site of our tent this summer, however, #371. It was just back of the Cradle Roll building and between it and the Kindergarten building. My folks had that tent for probably 20 years or so. Wonderful memories!

Alice Ray, Oregon City, Oregon

Is the Sunset Schedule Legalistic?

I would like to pose a simple but respectful question which might provoke genuine discussion. Do the average readers of the GLEANER still need to rely on the published Sunset Schedule in order to "properly" observe the Sabbath? I am one who thinks and hopes the Seventh-day Adventist Church has matured beyond the necessity of continuing such a practice. I have concluded that legalism destroys relationship between us and God and between us and our fellow church members. I am very pained when I see any institutional practice that in any way might encourage legalism. I would like to see a well thought through article theologically defending why you might ultimately stop the practice of publishing the Sunset Schedule.

John W. Vornholt, Clarkston, Washington

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Featured in: February 2012
