World News Briefs - March 2009


3ABN Launches Russian Channel

The Three Angels Broadcasting Network successfully launched the first Seventh-day Adventist Russian TV channel. The channel features 24-hour Christian Russian-language programming, and distributes via the Internet. This allows 3ABN programming to reach closed communities in their native language. There are more than 300 million Russian-speaking people worldwide.



Bus Ads Promote Atheist View

The British Humanist Association is sponsoring bus advertisements throughout Europe displaying atheist slogans. Originating in London, the ads also appear in Spain and Italy. They display messages such as, “There probably is no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy life.” The campaign has met with heavy opposition from faith-based groups. At least one driver has refused to drive buses with the ads on them.



Adventist Named Governor General

Patrick Linton Allen, West Indies Union president, has been appointed Jamaica’s governor general by Queen Elizabeth II. Allen will serve as the queen’s direct representative in Jamaica on ceremonial occasions. The role is considered non-political, yet the governor general has authority to appoint civil service officers. Allen says his Adventist faith will “undergird” his new role. “Any decision I make will be cast in justice, equality and compassion,” he says.

SOURCE: Adventist News Network


ADRA Radio Drama Wins Award

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency in Malawi received a 2008 Entertainer of the Year Award for a radio play addressing HIV/AIDS prevention and personal health. The program, entitled Tikuferanji, which means “Why are we dying?” appears on Television Malawi and airs on a state-run radio station. The show provides education in an effort to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS by advocating responsibility and safe behavior.



Bishop Honored for Reconciliation Program

Rwandan Bishop John Rucyahana has been given the William Wilberforce Award for his program preparing perpetrators and victims of Rwanda’s infamous genocide for face-to-face reconciliation meetings. The program helps both sides seek closure, forgiveness and restoration. The award is presented by Prison Fellowship, a Christian ministry for the reconciliation of prisoners to God, their families and communities. The award is given annually to a distinguished Christian leader who has confronted social injustice.



Adventist Midwife Honored

Huedel Morgan-Isaac, a Seventh-day Adventist midwife for 28 years, was given the award, Member of the British Empire. This is a fifth-level honor for British civilians. Morgan-Isaac received the award for her work as a midwife, as well as the leadership role she played in launching an education program for teen mothers.

SOURCE: Adventist News Network

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