
NPUC president Jere Patzer has held evangelistic meetings in nine different countries since 2001—Tanzania, Aruba, Dominican Republic, Philippines, Guatemala, Brazil, India, Bolivia and the United States.

He has hosted 200 Issues & Interviews radio broadcasts since the program's inception in 1990.

He serves as the vice-chair of Adventist Health board and is chair of the Walla Walla College board.

The office of the president articulates the vision that keeps Adventist work in the Northwest organized in accordance with a common mission. Even as North Pacific Union Conference (NPUC) president Jere Patzer has undergone treatment for non-Hodgkins lymphoma, he has stayed in touch and helped to guide the NPUC vision. Typically, the union conference president represents the church at various meetings, advises local conference administrators and provides leadership or input to the various committees of the local conferences, the North American Division and the General Conference. This office seeks to make sure that leadership is accountable to membership.

To lead the mission of the Northwest Adventist church in a way that fulfills God’s unique calling and purpose.

Aside from his other administrative duties as president, Jere Patzer has, during the past five years, encouraged the union and local conferences toward progress in 10 main areas.

Professional Growth—There have been increased continuing education opportunities, including geo-science and New England heritage trips, and Reformation tours. In addition, one Northwest Ministerial/Leadership Convention has been planned for each quinqennial period to inspire and train pastors and teachers.

Public Awareness—In order to position Adventism in the Northwest as a visible and attractive option, increased study has been given to establishing a greater broadcast presence in major metro areas, along with the monthly Issues & Interviews radio program and promotion of and the Voice of Prophecy Discover Bible schools.

Church Planting—Conferences have been encouraged to hire pastors who are passionate about church planting and educating members in the related outreach. Our early Northwest pioneers raised up churches of new believers wherever they went, and so should we.

Lay Evangelism—Increasing numbers of Northwest members and students have gained experience in overseas trips, so now with additional training and encouragement, that experience should be put into practice in local community evangelism.

Informed Membership—The GLEANER now has an active and dynamic Web site with opportunity for immediate updates and reader interaction. That, along with the quarterly Northwest Spotlight on Mission DVDs sent to each church are helping members stay informed and inspired.

Ethnic Diversity—With churches representing a number of ethnic backgrounds, we must continue to foster our annual black convocations, and Spanish-language updates in the GLEANER, along with other avenues to show this diversity as a strength.

Office Relocation—The long process of relocating the NPUC headquarters offices to an updated, more visible and efficient property is almost complete, with initial occupancy scheduled near the end of this year.

Spiritual Growth—Along with other personal growth tours and trips, more than 30 Faith in Focus seminars have been sponsored throughout the Northwest to educate and encourage members and leaders in the fundamental beliefs of the church.

Global Mission—Since 2001 the NPUC has sponsored major global evangelistic initiatives to Aruba, Dominican Republic, Philippines, India and Bolivia, and has helped in other series in South America and beyond. The NPUC executive committee has voted to continue this outreach until the Lord comes.

Financial Accountability—While we recognize that our mission must determine how finances are allocated, we will carefully use the resources according to responsible and accountable forms of stewardship that honor the Lord and are faithful to the trust of His people.

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Featured in: August 2006
