Othello Celebrates 50 Years

The Othello Church celebrates its 50-year anniversary Aug. 5–7. Originally organized as a company May 28, 1955, 12 people signed the charter member list to organize the church.

The old Presbyterian church in Othello, now a museum, was the first meeting place for the small company. The group later met in the building belonging to the Southern Baptists. In October of 1955, C. Lester Bond, conference president; Homer Perkins, treasurer; and Virgil Woodruff, the conference builder, met at Larry Clifford’s home to discuss building a church. The conference purchased eight lots and erected what is now the sanctuary of the Othello Church.

In August of 1956, a meeting was called to discuss having a church school. It was decided to divide the section behind the pulpit area into a school room. Mrs. Don Belin was the first teacher.

By January 1978, Henry Lamberton, our church pastor, got us talking about remodeling and enlarging. When it was settled, we purchased a lot plus some extra land from Ted Muscott to add on to the west side. The project gave us the building we have currently.

We have had 23 pastors in the 50 years since we organized. The Othello Church has been actively involved in mission projects. Many of the members have participated in mission trips as far away as Russia, the Philippines, parts of Africa and Peru, in addition to local projects.

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Featured in: August 2005