Sabbath School Teacher Honored

Peggy Rudebaugh was recently honored for her years of faithful service as a weekly teacher in the Chelan Church children’s Sabbath School. As a division leader and teacher, Rudebaugh is known for her faithfulness and love for children. She began teaching Sabbath School in 1953 at the College Place (Wash.) Church. Throughout her years of teaching, she worked in the children’s divisions for a number of churches in Oregon and Washington. The last 10 years she has been teaching in the Chelan area.

To show their appreciation, the congregation surprised Rudebaugh with a well-attended celebration at the church. The Chelan children’s divisions entertained with two short skits before she was presented with a handmade quilt and pillow in which every child had made a square honoring their teacher. This was just a small token of the church's affection.

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Featured in: August 2005
