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Name: Anita Roberts

Education: Southwestern Adventist University (Keene, Texas), 1988, B.S. in Elementary Education, Minor in Music

School: Lake City Jr. Academy, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

Teaches: Grades 1 and 2

Knowing that I teach life skills, not only in academics but also, more importantly, of the heavenly nature, brings excitement and enthusiasm. Helping my students attain their full potential for their future on earth and for their home with Jesus is truly what teaching is all about.

Name: Cindy Patten

Education: Walla Walla College, 1978, B.S. in Elementary Education

Webster University, 1993, M.A. in Human Resource Development

School: Sitka Adventist School, Sitka, Alaska

Teaches: Grades 1–8

I am still excited about teaching because every day is different! And it is so rewarding to see students grow and develop—mentally, socially, physically and especially spiritually.

Name: Tom Lee

Education: Union College, 1975, M.A. in Biology

Walla Walla College, 1988, M.S. in Biology

School: Columbia Adventist Academy, Battle Ground, Wash.

Teaches: Physical Science, Biology, Chemistry

I enjoy teaching because I love being around the energy and beauty of young people, particularly teenagers, who I respect a great deal. They provide me with the creative challenge to keep them engaged in the academic part of their lives. It’s so much fun! Additionally, in teaching, I know I am involved in something important and fundamental in helping people develop the potential God gives them.

Name: Carrie Tow

Education: Northern Montana College, 1966, B.S. in Elementary Education, Minors in History and Social Science

School: Adventist Christian School, Idaho Falls, Idaho

Teaches: Grades 1–8

Seeing students learn academically is a joy, but the greater joy is having students learn that Jesus is their personal Savior and Friend. The classroom is my mission field, and I pray daily for strength, energy and wisdom to rightly represent Jesus in words and actions. I know that church school may be the only place where some of my students will have an opportunity to glimpse God's love.

Name: Colleen Brundula

Education: Walla Walla College, 2001, B.A. in Mathematics and Music

School: Puget Sound Adventist Academy, Kirkland, Wash.

Teaches: Grades 9–12, Mathematics, Physics and Choir

There is nothing better than knowing that every day you are in the sacred position with the potential to help change lives and to make a difference. To see the direct hand of God at work in the lives of young people makes teaching so unique and inspiring. The energy, talent and humor that my students add to my day is a blessing!

Name: Clare Thompson

Education: Walla Walla College, 1967, B.S. in Nursing

Walla Walla College, 1989, M.E.

School: Rogers Adventist School, College Place, Wash.

Teaches: Language Arts (Grades 7–8), Math (Grade 8), Classroom Organization and Management (Walla Walla Collge).

I love teaching children of the King! It is my joyful challenge to help the students become “thinkers, and not mere reflectors of other people's thoughts” (Education,17). I am privileged to have a role in helping our students discover God's plans for them as they begin to map their own futures. Truly there is no better job than working with God for the good of His children!

Name: Jamie Miller

Education: Walla Walla College, 2003, B.A. in Elementary Education, Minor in Physical Education

School: Caldwell Adventist Elementary School, Caldwell, Idaho

Teaches: Grades 5 and 6

I love teaching because of my students. They show me Jesus daily and have a wonderful sense of humor.

Name: Bev Laabs

Education: Walla Walla College, 1986, B.S. in Elementary Education, Minor in Speech

School: Boise Valley Adventist School, Boise, Idaho

Teaches: Grade 3 and vice-principal

Teaching for me is a work of art as well as a work of love. I enjoy the creativity that comes with teaching, such as planning the units, problem solving and communication with colleagues, parents and students. Every student is special and has something to offer, so experiencing the growth of my students in their learning is always exciting. I am thankful for the gift of teaching.

Name: Ginger Brockman

Education: Walla Walla College, 1982, B.M., Minor in Education

School: Pend Oreille Valley Adventist School, Oldtown, Idaho

Teaches: Grades K–4 and Music

It is exciting for me as a teacher to watch students grow strong in body, mind and character and to share in the students' thrill of discovery or comprehending something new. An added bonus is when one of my students receives special recognition. For example, a former third-grader from when I taught at Hermiston Jr. Academy is graduating this year from the New Mexico Military Institute with honors. He is a nationally ranked trumpet player and attributes his discovery of the love of music to me!

Name: Klaus Förster

Education: Union College, Class 1966, B.A. in Religion

Andrews University, 1972, M.A.T.

School: Milo Adventist Academy, Days Creek, Ore.

Teaches: Bible 1 and 3, German, Art

I am thrilled to be able to share the Savior with young people. It is a challenge and joy to deal with young minds.

Name: Marian Baker

Education: Columbia Union College, 1971, B.A. in Elementary Education, Minors in History and Home Economics.

Mansfield University (Mansfield, Penn.), 1987, M.S. in Education

School: Glacier View Adventist School, Ronan, Mont.

Teaches: Grades 1–9

It is my desire to guide and inspire children and youth to fall in love with our Lord and to achieve their personal best in character development, citizenship and academics.

Name: Fred Riffel

Education: Union College, 1981, B.A. in Theology

Loma Linda University, 1990, M.P.H.

School: Upper Columbia Academy, Spangle, Wash.

Teaches: Sophomore and Junior Bible

I love the intensity and energy of the school environment. Students want you to be brutally honest with them. They are real and like to experience truth rather than just "know" the truth through pat answers. The most rewarding part of all is to see them respond to Jesus and grab hold of a mission or direction for their lives. The annual homecoming gives you the opportunity to see former students and hear how the Lord has been working in their lives. That's my pay!

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Featured in: July 2005
