Image Credit: Adventist Health

Adventist Health Celebrates New Hospital in The Dalles

In June 2023, Adventist Health welcomed Mid-Columbia Medical Center, now known as Adventist Health Columbia Gorge, in The Dalles, Oregon, as the third hospital in the Adventist Health Oregon State Network. The new addition joins sister Oregon hospitals Adventist Health Portland and Adventist Health Tillamook.

“We are so glad to celebrate nearly four years of collaborative conversations that brought us to this historic moment,” said Joyce Newmyer, Oregon State Network president and Adventist Health chief people officer. “Adventist Health Columbia George’s unwavering commitment to their communities will shape the future of healthcare.”

Adventist Health is growing to meet the healthcare needs of people in the Pacific Northwest, from the Portland area to the many rural communities along the northern Oregon coast and in north central Oregon.

More than 50 Adventist Health clinics across Oregon and Washington offer primary care, with specialty clinics providing heart, lung, orthopedic and cancer care. In the Columbia Gorge alone, ten Adventist Health clinics provide mission-based healthcare for nearby rural communities.

“Adventist Health is redefining rural healthcare in a post-pandemic world," said Kerry L. Heinrich, Adventist Health president and CEO. "It gives me great joy to welcome Adventist Health Columbia Gorge to our healthcare system."

On June 14, 2023, Adventist Health Columbia Gorge nurses, physicians and other employees gathered with leaders at Kelly Commons on the hospital campus to celebrate together. Healthcare is a 24/7 ministry, so leaders started the day at 12:01 a.m. circulating throughout the hospital, handing out cookies and thanking care providers for their work.

“It was joyful and exciting to be on campus and celebrate with the community,” said Katie Wagner, Adventist Health Columbia Gorge mission and spiritual care leader. “This community is dedicated to providing compassionate mission-driven care, and seeing support for that and everyone celebrating together was moving and powerful.”


A welcome event on the hospital’s Kelly Commons brought together healthcare teams excited about new opportunities to care for their The Dalles community.

Adventist Health
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Featured in: September/October 2023


Kim Strobel

Adventist Health program manager for religion, faith and mission