UCC Unveils Strategic Plan With Vertical: Vision Sabbath

On Jan. 21, 2023, Upper Columbia Conference held Vertical: Vision Sabbath in every church in UCC, with David Jamieson, president, preaching the sermon, “Beating Around the Burning Bush.”

During the sermon, Jamieson shared the story of Moses and his encounter with the burning bush in the Midian desert.

Jamieson began by asking, “Are you living the dream? Are you living out your ultimate purpose?”

For many, answering that question can be difficult, but he continued, “Everyone has a dream, a vision for their life that fills them with passion and purpose.”

Beginning in Ex. 3:1–10, Jamieson recounted the story and shared how uncertain and scared Moses was. Moses was living comfortably; he didn’t want to do anything that would put him outside his comfort zone, even if it meant not doing God’s will.

Jamieson then asked, “Did Moses believe? Do you and I believe that God has a purpose for our life?”

Believing in God is a gift because, “God is real. God is alive. God is active. He is a person, but He is also a verb. He does stuff, incredible stuff, previously unbelievable stuff in people’s lives when they believe,” shared Jamieson.

So, “Are you living the dream? Are you living out your ultimate purpose?” Jamieson answered, “God takes ordinary people and makes them extraordinary. What God did then, He can do again!”

Ending his sermon, Jamieson shared the new motto for UCC: Serve | One More. Since September 2022, church members, pastors, teachers, administrators and employees have been praying for God’s leading in the conference. To Serve | One More as Jesus did is the focus of the UCC Strategic Plan for 2023–2025.

The plan includes 15 strategic priorities and 55 unique initiatives that the conference will focus on over the next three years, the intentions of continuing praying for God’s vision in the conference and renewal in your life, and the mission to serve one more lost man, woman, boy and girl. 

To view the document or to watch the sermon in English and Spanish, visit uccsda.org/strategicplan.

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Featured in: March/April 2023

