Camping in the Northwest


• There are 64 Adventist youth camps in North America. In 2002, 5,136 campers enjoyed the eight camps located in the North Pacific Union.

Source: Association of Adventist Camping Professionals

• In 2001, more than 10 million people benefited from a summer camp experience at more than 12,000 camps throughout the United States.

• Of the more than 2,300 American Camping Association camps, approximately 25% are dedicated to meeting the special needs of campers with physical, emotional, or mental challenges.

Source: American Camping Association

Mosquito bites are a fact of everyday life for campers. Here are some facts about mosquitoes.

• Mosquitoes are the most dangerous animals in the world, killing an estimated two to three million people per year. In the United States alone, there are 150 different species—each one carrying different types of diseases.

• According to the World Health Organization, malaria infects between 300 and 500 million people every year in Africa, India, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Oceania, and Central and South America. There are about 1,200 malaria cases reported each year in the U.S., mostly by people who were infected abroad.

• The female mosquito will often consume more than her weight in blood. Male mosquitoes feed on nectar from plants.


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Featured in: April 2003


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