The work-a-day world

Whom we trust:

80% teachers

77% doctors

24% lawyers

23% stockbrokers

While a majority of adults trust teachers and doctors to tell the truth, barely a quarter say they trust lawyers and stockbrokers for their honesty.

Fast Facts

• National gridlock: There were 3,951,000 miles of road in the year 2000 used by 221 million cars. On average, Seattle drivers waste 82 hours per year stuck in traffic congestion.

• Why workers change jobs: Workers who considered making a job change in the last six months said salary was their number one concern. Other factors were work duties, environment, and the boss.

• Work place changes since 9/11: The events of September 11 left an indelible mark on workplaces. Fifty-two percent of human resource professionals say their organizations have tightened security. Forty-three percent say employees have been more caring towards one another.

This month in History:

• On February 3, 1870, the 15th amendment to the U.S. Constitution guaranteeing African Americans voting rights becomes law.


Americans eat about four billion gallons of popped popcorn each year, with the average person munching about 15 gallons annually.

Word to the Wise:

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Proverbs 3:5,6. KJV

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Featured in: February 2003


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