Image Credit: Jainnine Sowers

VBS Transforms Children’s Lives Through God’s Word

Vacation Bible School (VBS) at Transformation Life Center (TLC) in Olympia included something special this year: a fundraiser called Operation Kid-to-Kid to raise money to send New Testament Bibles to children in Thailand.

“We set an initial goal of 50 Bibles and a secondary goal of 100,” says Laurey Jones, TLC young adult member and one of the VBS leaders. “For every $4 the kids brought in, we were able to send one Bible to a kid in Thailand.”

Through the VBS program's catchy music, colorful decorations, easy-to-remember Bible points, fun crafts, yummy food, active games and amazing Bible stories, children at the Olympia VBS program learned about trekking through life with God.

“This year’s group of kids was ready to learn about all the wonderful gifts God has given us,” Jones says.

Early in the week, children decorated boxes to take home and fill up with change for the special fundraiser project. By the end of the week, they had raised enough funds to send 47 New Testament Bibles to children in Thailand.

On Sabbath morning, the VBS team presented at church about the results of the children’s fundraising efforts. The congregation not only helped the children reach their first goal for 50 Bibles but also donated enough funds for more than 100 Bibles.

“Vacation Bible School, along with other children’s ministries, has been a big part of my family for as long as I can remember,” Jones says. “It’s truly an honor to be able to help out and participate in VBS each year.”

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Featured in: October 2015
