Milton-Stateline Adventist School Kids Are Growing With Jesus

Located on 10 acres of country land with a pristine view of the Blue Mountains, Milton Stateline Adventist School (MSAS) in Milton-Freewater, Ore., has a reputation for its quiet demeanor, with about 100 preschool through eighth-grade students.

While wrapping up another school year, students at MSAS shared a few of their favorite things.

The fifth- and sixth-graders were quick to brag about their preschool through second-grade reading buddies. Each week, 31 middle school kids pair up with younger students for reading time. Dylan and Donny say when they’re with their buddy “it feels like they look up to you.” Izake used to read to his buddy, but now Addy reads to him. Buddies have secret handshakes and share silly jokes.

Stateline students love looking for innovative learning opportunities. Luis, Keenan and Victoria especially love the new BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) adoption that brings technology into the classroom.

The MSAS preschool was voted Best of the Best in the Walla Walla Valley in 2013 and 2014. Many graduating eighth-graders attended MSAS since preschool and have fond memories of crafts, dress-up and the annual pumpkin patch trip. First- through fourth-graders have swimming lessons in the spring and trips around the community each month. Older students reminisced about winter sports and outdoor school. Audree and Cloe loved bonding as a class while traipsing through the Ape Caves in April. “It was difficult and dark but so fun,” they explain.

“The teachers give choices and don’t force students to learn the same. Kids are excited when researching what they enjoy and teachers figure out their learning style, whether it’s drawing, acting, recording or writing assignments,” says Sevin.

Trevor emphatically states, “This is the best place for a good education and finding friends.”

Stateline offers a rainbow of activities. Electives for fifth through eighth include woodshop, handbells, cooking, fine art, guitar/praise band and multimedia. Three sixth-grade multimedia students were offered permanent positions broadcasting for a local church on 3ABN (Three Angels Broadcasting Network).

Without dedicated parents and family, success here wouldn’t be possible. Pride is evident at events, fundraisers and concerts. Daily activities like the hot lunch program would disappear without parent volunteers who run it without complaint.

The MSAS staff members are thankful for growth in enrollment but pray their numbers will continue flourishing. Their desire is to portray an image to the community as a place where God’s hand is at work to uphold the status where “Kids Grow With Jesus.”

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Featured in: July 2015
