Getting Back to What I Love I woke up this morning with an image in my head. I had been listening to some music I thought would be great for outdoor vespers. I was imagining which students would be playing guitar and singing. I was imagining how the song would fit with a par... Read more
Montana Teachers Focus on Student-Centered Learning Our Montana Conference teachers have been focusing on student-centered learning this year. Take a closer look at each of the featured schools and you will see that whether through Family Groups, Chapel Buddies, project-based learning or mentorship... Read more
MEA Sends Some Care Transitioning from their Bozeman, Montana, classrooms to online learning has been challenging for Mount Ellis Academy’s students. Participating in Zoom classes and working in a virtual Google classroom was a huge leap from school in real time. Thi... Read more
Three Congregations Plan Quarantine Surprise for Pastor Jim Jenkins loves people and he loves interacting with each of the members and guests while pastoring his three district churches: Livingston, Mount Ellis Academy and Bozeman churches. He enjoys people so much, he preaches at each church every Sa... Read more
Painted Rocks Spread Joy During the Pandemic There was a winter storm warning on Sabbath, March 14, 2020. A women's ministry event had been scheduled that night at the Bozeman Adventist Church. The uncertainty and anxiety of the COVID-19 pandemic was just starting to take off, and we wondere... Read more
Cheerful Givers of Potatoes Due to stay-at-home orders throughout the nation, the food service demand is down significantly, leaving farmers across the U.S. burdened with an abundance of supplies that cannot be sold. The Bozeman Seventh-day Adventist Church took this opportu... Read more
ABCs of Montana Ministry We are thankful for the various and creative ways our brothers and sisters in Montana are sharing Jesus' love with others amidst the new dynamics due to COVID-19. Read more
Bozeman Honors Faithful Leader "We had just moved to town, and he welcomed us warmly at church. He later invited us over to his house for dinner and sunset worship. When we arrived, we were surprised at the variety of salad ingredients he had carefully laid out. We enjoyed a ni... Read more
Mutual Gratitude Shared During Teacher Appreciation Day Laughter and knowing smiles filled the Zoom screen Tuesday, May 5, 2020, during the weekly conferencewide assembly program for Montana elementary students. The kids were bursting with the surprise about to happen. Read more