Seventeen Airplanes Target UCA Strip Excitement stirred in the little town of Spangle, Wash., as 17 airplanes landed on Upper Columbia Academy’s (UCA’s) airstrip—all in one morning.It was UCA’s third annual fly-in, an event sponsored by the technology department to encourage interest... Read more
UCA Weekend Focuses on Parents Needs More than 250 parents from 10 states recently came to Upper Columbia Academy for Parent Weekend. While enjoying time with their children and friends, the parents also appreciated a variety of special programs.Hispanic child preaching prodigy Noé O... Read more
Conference Reading Plan Focuses on Jesus Members across the Inland Northwest are invited to join Max Torkelsen II, Upper Columbia Conference president, in a reading plan that focuses on the life and teachings of Jesus.The reading plan will carry participants through the Gospels and four ... Read more
Tenth YACS Camp Meeting Attracts 600 The 10th Annual Yakima Adventist Christian School (YACS) Mini-camp Meeting, Oct. 4 and 5, this year featured a three-part sermon series, “Images Etched in Your Mind,” by Pastor Peter Neri.Violinist Jaime Jorge shared his story and music with youth... Read more
Canbys Bug Safari Twenty-six children from the Canby Adventist Church and community buzzed around seven vacation Bible school exploration stations this summer.Each day at “Bug Safari,” the children met in small, mixed-age groups to discover important Bible truths, ... Read more
Sutherlin Members Remember 9-11 Heroism Members of the Sutherlin, Ore., Church hosted a well-attended community program to commemorate the heroism of rescue workers who lost their lives or were injured in the line of duty, Sept. 11, 2001.Bob Cotterman provided special patriotic musical ... Read more
Albany Hosts 9/11 Commemoration Members of the Albany, Ore., Church threw open their doors on Sabbath, Sep. 14, inviting the community to take part in a special 9-11 commemorative program and recognition ceremony held to honor local safety agencies.Sabbath school superintendent ... Read more
Emerald Thumbs Emerald Christian Academy 6th-, 7th-, and 8th-grade students help Grass Roots Gardens groom local community gardens for the winter. The gardens provide food for Lane County Food Bank, which offers free dinners at various local churches for needy f... Read more
PAAs Wonderful Surprise “I believe that there is a hunger among our young people today to take a stand and be counted as fully-committed followers of Christ,” said Les Zollbrecht, Portland Adventist Academy’s (PAA’s) new chaplain, at his first Week of Prayer series on ca... Read more