Community Members Attend Cooking Class On the icy evening of Thursday, Jan. 25, the Petersburg Church held a cooking class focusing on grains, led out by church member Deloris Herbrandson. Eleven people came; four were visitors from the community who had heard announcements on the radi... Read more
Show Moved to Friday So AJA Students Could Participate Anchorage Junior Academy’s principal/teacher Ruth Farnsworth is a philatelist (a postage stamp collector). For a number of years, Farnsworth has been introducing her students to the fun of collecting stamps and learning history in the process.One ... Read more
MVAS Presents The Bethlehem Inn 400 Community Members Attend MVAS Presents The Bethlehem Inn Read more
Jail Ministry Yields Baptism Florie Jewel thought she was only coming to Alaska for one summer of adventure, but that was almost 11 years ago. She fell in love with bush Alaska—the warm-hearted people, the vast land and the unique simplicity of living on the edge of nowhere.T... Read more
Witnessing to a Bear Homer Members Meet a Wild Neighbor While handing out witnessing books in Homer, Alaska, Jeremey Day met a different sort of customer—a bear! Day and Sammy Au were visiting homes near Beluga Lake. After leaving the book at a door, Day turned to walk down the steps when he heard Au c... Read more
Dillingham Church Members Reach Out to Remote Villages A group of church members in Dillingham are focusing on ministry to the surrounding native villages. Building on the long history of Adventism in Bristol Bay, they are following up on business contacts, going door to door and holding Bible studies... Read more
Craftsmen for Christ Palmer Church Opens First Chapter in Alaska The Palmer Church has opened the first chapter of Craftsmen for Christ (CFC) in Alaska. CFC is a group of Christian craftsmen who are committed to using “God’s resources of skills, materials, talents....and hearts to meet the needs of others.”The ... Read more
Encouragement and Bible Study Brings New Member to Delta Junction Christiana Havel’s decision to be baptized into the Delta Junction Church was not made quickly. In fact, when she first came to Delta Junction a number of years ago, she was not even sure that God existed.After experiencing a devastating family tr... Read more
Principal Gets a $1,000 Haircut In Hopes of a New Playground! Community members and school supporters of all ages were shouting “Yee-haw” at Raven Hall on the Alaska State Fairgrounds on Saturday, Nov. 18, 2006, as 230 people gathered to raise money at their annual dinner auction. The money will be used for ... Read more