Brinkman Preaches for ShareHIM Evangelistic Series Police Investigator Turns Evangelist

Shaun Brinkman is a man on fire for God, and on April 27, he was the first lay person in the Palmer Church to preach for the ShareHIM evangelism program. Brinkman has worked in law enforcement for the past 10 years. And although he likes his work, he has sensed a vacancy in his life. He tries to minister at his job, but the people are often not open to spiritual discussions.

“I was seeking the Lord,” he says earnestly, “asking Him to soften my heart, asking Him what I was missing. Then along came Pastor Dave’s sermon about the ShareHIM ministry, and I knew this was it.”

After that sermon, Brinkman attended a ShareHIM rally. He prayed about becoming involved, filled out his application, bought a computer for the presentations and scheduled his vacation hours to spend on the two-week evangelistic series. He has a team of five or six helpers and a budget of $600 to spend for advertising. He is not used to public speaking, and freely admits to being nervous, but prepared himself by listening to sermon CDs of the material he would present, practicing preaching and praying a lot.

Evangelism, Brinkman says, is explaining the doctrines of the church. "Evangeliving" is all about sowing the seeds, laying the groundwork, and making friendships. Both are essential parts of the work of winning souls for Christ. “It's not enough to know the truth,” Brinkman says. “We need to stand up and carry out God’s work of sharing the gospel.”

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Featured in: August 2007