Explosion of New Ministries in Palmer Church Ministries Lay Groundwork for Evangelistic Series

Eight new ministries have been added at the Palmer Church in recent months as it starts to lay the groundwork for the ShareHIM evangelistic series this spring. Here's a little bit about the different ministries.

The Serenity Class supports people with addictive behaviors, including overeating, computer games, drugs, gambling, alcohol, overspending, pornography and co-dependency. It follows a Bible-based, 12-step format and meets once a week.

The Depression Recovery Program is a Bible-based class that features Neil Nedley video presentations, small-group activities and discussion and recently graduated 25 participants. It focuses on the whole person and emphasizes physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

The Coronary Health Improvement Project (CHIP) started March 26 and offers health lectures, videos and cooking demonstrations to 22 participants. It emphasizes exercise, diet, and lifestyle changes with cardiac lab panels both before and after the 30-day program to assess improvement and document a decreased risk for cardiac disease.

Craftsmen for Christ is a crew of Christian construction craftsmen who offer their skills without charge to needy neighbors in the community.

The Valley Youth Outreach is a group of young people who want to volunteer their services in the community.

Prison Ministries and the Bible Correspondence Program both involve Bible study by correspondence with lessons that are sent out and graded by church members.

The Financial Peace University Class is a 13-week class that teaches financial principles consistent with the Christian lifestyle.

Church members are excited about all of these new projects. “I think these ministries are great,” says one member. “It is an exciting time to belong to the Palmer Church. I can hardly wait to see what God can do in our community.”

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Featured in: June 2007