Camp Lorraine Bursting at the Seams What do you do when you plan for about 25 campers and 74 show up? Panic? No way! At least not if you are part of the staff of Alaska Camps under the direction of Laurie Hosey. For three years, Laurie Hosey has assembled a group of trained young pe... Read more
Do You Have a Spirit of Adventure? Are you open to living in a native culture in the Arctic, or a remote town in Southeast Alaska?Do you have a heart of service for helping hurting young people? Are you self-motivated and do you long to make a real difference? Arctic villages have ... Read more
Kincaids Launch Faith Ministry in Kotzebue Jim and Linda Kincaid have once again demonstrated their passion for Adventist Native Ministries in bush Alaska by quitting their respective jobs as Alaska Conference executive secretary and accountant, packing their bags and moving to one of the ... Read more
Tok Church Conducts Quest for Truth VBS Shauna Lee of the Tok Church, located near the end of the Alaska Highway toward Delta Junction, believed that leading kids to search for truth was the best way to wait for the birth of her child. With the help of Texas vacationers turned Alaskans,... Read more
New Executive Secretary Joins Alaska's Administrative Team Alaska welcomes Edward Dunn as the new Alaska Conference executive secretary. Dunn and his wife Cheryl are moving to Alaska from Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, where he was pastor of the Kelowna and Wildwood churches. He has been a pastor for ... Read more
Alaska Mission History, 18961983 Book Becomes a Reality After a lifetime of collecting articles, books, photos, and personal notes and letters, Nadine Hansen, Alaska Conference office secretary and wife of Joseph Hansen, Alaska Mission president from 1961 to 1974, will see her dream come true. Her book... Read more
Staddon Assumes Treasury Duties In January 2007, Sharon Staddon became the new treasurer for the Alaska Conference administrative team.Staddon, a certified public accountant in Nebraska, has owned her own accounting firm since 2004. She has served as a financial officer for ADRA... Read more
Men's Retreat in Alaska Wilderness It was only after I'd survived the first half-dozen hog wallows on the trail into the Alaska Men's Retreat that I began to really understand that this wasn't just romantic, guidebook Alaska—I was hip-deep and more in Alaska as she really is, in al... Read more
Camp Meeting Offers Training to Fight Depression "One of the best camp meetings ever. I was so blessed!" "I am so excited to see the potential of all the laypeople of Alaska getting involved in this program. Now! Let's get to work!" These were some of the comments following Alaska's Camp Meeting... Read more