Reading Ellen White Isn't Bible Study A newly baptized Adventist phoned our home, distraught about a Bible study promoted in her church’s bulletin. She brought her Bible but discovered they were studying Ellen White’s Early Writings. Read more
NPUC Affirms Strategic Priorities North Pacific Union Conference (NPUC) executive committee members affirmed an updated union-wide strategic plan during their Aug. 22, 2018, meeting in Ridgefield, Wash. This plan also serves as a catalyst for a continuing emphasis on young adult e... Read more
The Giant Must Fall We all face giant, challenging issues sometime in our life. We face them personally and as families, as individual churches and as a worldwide movement, as citizens and as a country. Read more
Equality and Submission: Contradictory or Compatible? Christology — the study of Christ — has suffered theological conflict throughout church history. Lately some Adventists have raised questions about who Jesus is in relation to God the Father. A few on the fringe even believe Christ was derived fro... Read more
Testing Without the Stressing As I write this latest installment of my monthly column, I am embarked on preparations for my Ph.D. qualifying exams this fall. This means my brain is overloaded with random bits of information pertaining to Husserl’s phenomenology, Derrida’s crit... Read more
Right Outside Your Door My residence is in Washington, but I live in the state of Cognitive Dissonance. Read more
Caring Heart Award Winners for 2018 Thirteen Northwest academy students were each recipients of the $500 Caring Heart Award scholarship made possible through three-way funding from the North Pacific Union Conference, local conferences and academies. Students were selected by their s... Read more
GYC Northwest Holds Convention On March 21–25, 2018, more than 150 young people from across the North Pacific Union gathered at the Village Church in College Place, Wash., for the 2018 Generation of Youth for Christ (GYC) Northwest convention. The main speakers, including Dee C... Read more