Cowboy Camp Meeting Meets at Cabell Meadow

Every Fourth of July, horse lovers, those who like ATVs and friends from around the Northwest gather for camp meeting under a big tent out in God’s second book, nature. This year camp meeting was held at Cabell Meadow in the Blue Mountains of Oregon, just 2 miles from the mining ghost town of Cabell City and right next to the John Day Wilderness. Campers (and those who came just for Sabbath) enjoyed Jeremiah Smart’s evenings and Sabbath devotional talks as he spoke on repentance and the grace of God. Smart is a pastor of a church in Des Moines, Iowa. He attended Cowboy Camp Meeting as a boy, and his stories of the memories he shared were enjoyed by all.

This was a wonderful time with lots of singing, friends, kids, visiting, riding horses or ATVs on the beautiful trails, and exploring old mining sites. The five days included scheduled activities such as an auction, scampfire singing, a hidden painted rocks hunt, potluck, membership meeting, children’s church, kids parade, and more. Past activities have included Dutch oven cooking demos, horse training clinics, 5-mile trail challenges on horses, and a kids’ day when the kids have different events to accomplish on their horses in the meadow.

This was Cowboy Camp Meeting’s 36th year. Five charter members were present: Charlie and Marjorie Brown, Loren and Ruth Fenton, and Gene Jacobson. Their idea of having a camp meeting with horses certainly has grown.

Next year the camp meeting site has not been chosen (it’s different every year), but the dates are July 2–6, 2019. Anyone is welcome: Adventist or non-Adventist, a camper or a day visitor, with a horse or ATV or not. Mark your calendar and plan to come for a blessing and making new friends.

To sign up for the newsletter or to find out about next year’s camp meeting location, email And you can always check out the AHA website at or find us on Facebook.

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