God-Inspired Miracles at AAA The future of many church schools rests on the shoulders of the people who find it in their hearts to support the schools financially. At Auburn Adventist Academy (AAA) we have come a long way with the support of people that have consistently and ... Read more
Lynnwood Spanish Church Is Organized The Lynnwood Spanish Church began as a dream in the fall of 2001. A number of dedicated members had the idea that a new church should be planted in the Lynnwood area. In August of that year, 20 members discussed the plan and agreed to begin a new ... Read more
PSAA Students Serve in Fiji Thirty-three students from Puget Sound Adventist Academy (PSAA) and 18 adults spent Thanksgiving vacation building a 30-by-60-foot concrete block church in Waimicia, Fiji. The project included doing the electrical wiring, making pews, and building... Read more
The Princess Code and Changed Lives Every Wednesday afternoon the Puyallup (Wash.) Church turns its youth room into a youth recreation center. Called GAMEsTATION, about 30 students from Kalles Junior High School drop by to play games, eat and study. Amanda Boyle, a freshman at Pierc... Read more
Each of Us Can Make a Difference One of the most wonderful things about having been raised in the interior of Alaska with a bush-pilot father and a colportuer mother was traveling to many of the remote towns and villages that dot this wild region.The people fascinated me with the... Read more
Women of Spirit Dinners Five Women’s Ministry leaders of Kitsap county churches hosted a dinner for 65 women at the Port Orchard Church fellowship hall, on Oct. 17. Members from all the area churches were encouraged to come and bring friends and neighbors. This was a tim... Read more
Tackling Prophecy Students at AAA Lead Evangelistic Series Students at Auburn Adventist Academy have taken spiritual leadership to another level this year through an entirely student-run evangelistic series entitled Students Equipped to Evangelize for the Kingdom (SEEK). Students involved with SEEK have d... Read more
Spanish Lay Congress Trains Members for Outreach Recently the Spanish-speaking members of our conference gathered in the Kirkland school gym to hold a lay congress featuring training on various aspects of ministry for the local church.The afternoon meeting highlighted the importance of using sma... Read more
Scholarship Endowment Fund to Honor Cesar Umayam The Kirkland Church family was deeply saddened by the death of a most beloved member, Cesar Umayam, on Oct. 19, just a few days before his 51st birthday. A skilled carpenter, handyman and mechanic, he used his talents to serve anyone in need.Bless... Read more