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10 Fall Bucket List Ideas

It’s hard to believe we are back in the autumn season. Does your family have fall traditions they like to do each year? Here in Skagit County, we have several fall family traditions. We always visit our local pumpkin patch to buy pumpkins for the front porch and smaller ones for our mantle. We also love to roast pumpkin seeds and try different flavor combinations. I don’t know about you, but fall is definitely a favorite season in our household. The back-to-school routine has been established, the weather has cooled, football has begun and sweater and boots weather is upon us.

“For everything, there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven” (Eccl. 3: 1).

10 Fall Bucket List Ideas

Here are 10 easy fall bucket list ideas for your family to enjoy this season. Please get creative with your kids and add some more bucket list items to this list. Most of these don’t need to cost money; it’s really about time spent with the kids.

  1. Visit a local corn maze.
  2. Go for a hike. As the leaves are changing, outdoor family hikes are so beautiful.
  3. Bake cookies. Eat them with hot chocolate for an indulgent family night.
  4. Create a fall art project like an autumn wreath or bird feeder, or decorate the house.
  5. Pick apples and/or pumpkins — a fun and easy afternoon activity for the whole family!
  6. Serve a meal at your local shelter.
  7. Attend a fall festival at the school or church near you.
  8. Carve pumpkins and roast the seeds together.
  9. Make caramel apples.
  10. Jump in a pile of leaves.

I actually do not like the anxiety associated with being lost in a corn maze, but my entire family loves it, so we go every year. What fall tradition does your family love to do? Bonding with your kids in great experiences together will build memories that they’ll never forget. And honestly, our kids don’t need more screen time, they need outdoor time and family bonding time away from technology.

Paul tells us, “He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness” (2 Cor. 9: 10).



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