Adventist Health Facilitates Donations for Ukrainian Hospitals

Medical supplies and medications were airlifted to Ukraine the first week of April through a collaboration between Adventist Health and the Adventist Development and Relief Agency.

Supplies were donated by Adventist Health medical supply partners and made possible in part by private donors. The Adventist Health Supply Chain and Global Mission departments managed the logistics of the donations in California. Supplies will be distributed to eight hospitals in Ukraine through channels maintained by ADRA.

“In March, we received an urgent request from the Ministry of Health in Ukraine through ADRA for needed supplies,” said John Schroer, Adventist Health Global Mission system lead. “The request noted that surgeons in Ukraine are particularly in need of supplies to treat combat wounds and civilian injuries at local hospitals.”

While many supply chain channels into Ukraine have been cut off because of the war, logistics are in place through ADRA to route the supplies where they are most needed. The ADRA Ukraine team has remained in their country to coordinate this work as the fighting continues.

“These are desperate times for the people of Ukraine,” said Schroer. “There is no greater opportunity to live God’s love and provide health, wholeness and hope in a community than at a time of great despair.”

Schroer organized collection of supplies and the airlift process. Supplies were put on pallets and prepared for the flight at Adventist Health Simi Valley in California. On March 29, a group of associates from Simi Valley gathered to pray for the war in Ukraine and for safe delivery of the supplies.

“We’re so thankful for our Supply Chain leader, Justin Freed, and for the leaders and associates at Adventist Health Simi Valley who were instrumental in getting the supplies ready to send,” said Schroer. “This effort took the contributions of many individuals coming together as a team. It was rewarding to see the collaboration happen in so many different areas.”

Through strategic partnerships with organizations such as ADRA and other partners, Adventist Health works to strengthen health systems, provide sustainable healthcare solutions and bring hope and healing to a hurting world. The Adventist Health Global Mission department draws together resources from inside and outside the organization for both long- and short-term projects in response to disasters and other specific needs. The driving force is often a desire among Adventist Health employees to do something to help.

“Jesus helped people in very practical ways. His example is our inspiration. We do this work because providing health, wholeness and hope like he did is at the heart of the mission and purpose of Adventist Health,” said Schroer.

Your financial contributions to the Adventist Health Global Mission Fund will go to support Ukrainian refugees in Poland and Romania. To contribute to this fund, visit For more information about the ADRA response to the refugee crisis in Ukraine, please contact John Schroer or Marcidale Amurao at

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Kim Strobel

Adventist Health program manager for religion, faith and mission