Seminar Concludes—Study Follows

The Kamiah Church in Idaho presented Journey out of Darkness and Into the Light, a three-weekend seminar. Steve Rogers, Kamiah Church pastor and his wife, Becki spoke for the seminar which was held at a nearby hotel.

Personal stories of hope illustrated Bible study topics like, "The Night God Beat the Devil at His Own Game," "Our Day in Light of Bible Prophecy," "Life after Death Experience" and "The Agenda of the Beast." Not only did the topic titles build anticipation among the attendees, but each night there were gift drawings that included copies of the DVD "Origins," by Stan Hudson, as well as a book, Playing the Devil's Game and exquisitely carved birds by artist Mel Fowlkes. 

There was friendly conversation among the participants both before the meetings and while lingering in the parking lot afterwards. 

"Who isn't curious about Bible prophecy?" one attendee commented. "It is a thorough Bible study and I've learned things."

Some non-member attendees came to Kamiah Church for Sabbath morning seminar presentations. At the last meeting, Mr. Friedrich Hart, Kamiah Church Bible worker, invited those interested to join a continuing Bible study group.

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Featured in: January/February 2022
