Goldendale Celebrates Enrollment Blessing

When teachers Dave and Ulena Robinson came to Goldendale Adventist Christian School in August 2015, they were excited about teaching at a rural school, surrounded by cow pastures. Having been missionaries overseas, they wanted to carry the same spirit here at home. 

When the school year began, only one full-time student had registered and just a few of the homeschooled students would be attending part-time. It would not be enough students.

The Robinsons didn’t know if they should stay or look for another job. But God helped them. The local church had faith, so they voted to go ahead with another year of school, even if there was just one student.

With prayer and diligent work, God brought three more students in December, the very week leaders at the Upper Columbia Conference education department were praying for the school. By the end of the school year, even more students had enrolled.

The GACS program grew when the Robinsons invited local church members to share their talents teaching music, art and science.

The local homeschooling community was reached out, as well. Soon, many of them began attending part-time — receiving help in science, art and physical education while enjoying fellowship with other children. 

God kept blessing the school, and attendance continued to grow each year. The pastor's wife was praying for 30 students, which seemed like a challenging goal for the school. But they believed, through their hard work and their faith, God would provide. So, they rested-assured.

As enrollment increased, GACS made adjustments to accommodate class sizes. Additional church members became active board members, and a talented volunteer-secretary joined the team to do office work. An added pergola and paved play area, expanded space for outdoor activities, and GACS was able to add a third teacher!

Now, six years later, God has blessed the GACS family with three teachers and 36 students.

The GACS school board, teachers and staff know that God has been preparing them for such a time as this. To go from one student to 36 students has been an experience in witnessing God’s miracle-working power. 

"He can do the same for you and your school," says Dave Robinson, GACS principal and head teacher. "May God bless all of our schools that are teaching the elementary children, many of whom are not Seventh-day Adventists, about His soon coming. Pray, have faith, work hard, reach out to the community and trust in God. God will grow your school!"

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Featured in: January/February 2022
