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Missoula Adventist Church Meets Via Zoom

After not meeting together since March 14, 2020, at least 31 individuals from 17 Missoula, Montana, area Adventist homes joined together in a Zoom service of fellowship, prayer and worship. It was a joyful occasion as fellow believers, who have not had opportunities to collectively interact with each other in four weeks, were able to reconnect and "see" each other via this video-conferencing technology.

Following a season of testimonies and prayer, Bill Whitney, Hamilton/Stevensville/Darby district pastor, shared “Seven Reasons Why Jesus Is Coming Again." The message was a well-received blessing to the congregation. After the sermon and closing prayer, plans were laid for continuing the services for the following weeks. The entire service was a joyful experience for the church family.

The service was made possible through the untiring efforts of Dexter Royes, Missoula Church member and a management consultant, as a means to keep the local congregation engaged. 

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